PCRE2 interim release 2 requested to support grep 3.11

Achim Gratz Stromeko@nexgo.de
Sat May 20 18:16:28 GMT 2023

Brian Inglis via Cygwin-apps writes:
> Because of issues with the current release of PCRE2 Unicode matching
> in latest grep 3.11 release reverting to ASCII only matches for some
> patterns, it would be good to have an updated interim Cygwin release 2
> of PCRE2 10.42+ available incorporating PCRE2_EXTRA_ASCII_... changes,
> and for PCRE2_MATCH_INVALID_UTF, between Feb 1 and April 21, submitted
> by Carlo Arenas for pcre2 and grep.

That patch set is apparently still not merged upstream and other work in
this area is still going on, so I don't think it's wise to jump the gun.

> Otherwise we could not upgrade grep until pcre2 10.43 is released.

Yes, we can just wait for uptstream to sort things out.


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