[Sharing progress] Tried to revive LLVM/Clang/Libc++ pkgs and port Rust

ASSI Stromeko@nexgo.de
Fri Aug 18 04:30:07 GMT 2023

小さい猫 via Cygwin-apps writes:
> On Monday, August 14th, 2023 at 12:50 AM, ASSI via Cygwin-apps <cygwin-apps@cygwin.com> wrote:
>> I've started a local llvm-revival branch… I got sidetracked with OCaml,
>> but that will need some more time and currently I have just disabled the
>> OCaml bindings in LLVM instead (not removed: this is controlled by a
>> variable in the script and another variable to control the LLVM target
>> list).
> I am not sure but there is probably some upstream changes are needed
> in cygport source[1] to get latest ocaml-findlib & ocaml-dune to work
> properly.  the dependency infos in META files seems start to have some
> pretty printing and the old regex and patterns for finding the
> depended pkg names are no longer working correctly.

That's a separate issue, thanks for the patch.

What I was talking about is that while I can use an opam "switch" to
update ocaml and its dependencies in a private installation, I can not
build the Cygwin packages that would need to be distributed or update
the system installation of OCaml.  If it exists, any option to update
the system files has eluded me.  In particular, I have not yet figured
out how to break the circular dependencies for a bootstrap build.  Opam
must know how to do this or it wouldn't suceeed, but doesn't show what
exactly it's doing by default.  THere's probably a way to look at that

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