Building from source packages

Marco Atzeri
Wed May 18 16:32:00 GMT 2016

On 13/05/2016 16:33, Jon Turney wrote:
> Recently I've done a little prototyping of a system to build from
> uploaded source packages in a VM, to verify that they recreate packages
> with the same contents as the uploaded packages.
> Issues I noted were:
> * a handful of packages are oddities
> These often contain source and patches, but no build script, so the
> configuration used by the maintainer to build the package isn't recorded
> (at least in a way accessible to automation)
> pkg       ver         arch
> ---       ---         ----
> bzr       2.6+b2-2    x86    contains source for 2.6b2-1 and 2.6+b2-2
> exim      4.86-1      both
> fetchmail 6.3.21-1    x86
> flex      2.5.39-1    both   orphaned
> ipc-utils 1.0-1       x86
> mined     2015.25-0   x86_64 a note from maintainer pointing to x86 src
> nmh       1.6-2       both   uniquely, g-b-s script name doesn't end .sh
> popt      1.16-1      both   orphaned
> suite3270 3.3.15ga9-1 both   uniquely, multiple g-b-s and one tarfile

flex and popt were probably built with a g-b-s like script by CGF.
I had the same issue when I adopted make.

popt version is last upstream, while
flex had a new release last November after long time


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