[ITP] Inetutils 1.9.4

D. Boland daniel@boland.nl
Sun Feb 7 18:01:00 GMT 2016

Hi group,

At Corinna's request, I re-intend to package the new version of 
Inetutils, version 1.9.4:


Package inetutils
category: Net
requires: bash libgcc1 hostname whois tftp cygwin
sdesc: "Common networking client programs"
ldesc: "inetutils provides common networking clients and
  servers, including the inetd super-server, telnetd and
  telnet, ftpd and ftp, talkd and talk, uucpd (but no uucp
  client), and syslogd."

Package inetutils-server
category: Net
requires: bash crypt libgcc1 inetutils tcp_wrappers tfpt-server
sdesc: "Common networking server programs"
ldesc: "inetutils provides common networking clients and
  servers, including the inetd super-server, telnetd and
  telnet, ftpd and ftp, talkd and talk, uucpd (but no uucp
  client), and syslogd."

Some programs in the inetutils suite are packaged already:

* hostname
* whois
* tftp
* tftp-server

So I added these on the 'required' lines.

To build the source code, the following packages are needed:

* help2man
* libcrypt-devel
* libfakesu
* tftp

Also, the following include files are needed:

* /usr/include/netinet/icmp6.h
* /usr/include/netinet/ip_var.h

There has been discussion on including the icmp6.h file in Cygwin 2.3.0.

ip_var.h is needed for the MAX_IPOPTLEN constant. This could be added to 
the ip.h file as is done in Linux.

Good-to-go's are welcome!


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