[PATCH setup 4/4] Use a drop-down list to directly select chooser view filter

Jon Turney jon.turney@dronecode.org.uk
Tue Aug 30 23:29:00 GMT 2016

On 30/08/2016 14:01, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> On Aug 29 11:04, Jon Turney wrote:
>> Rather than a button for cycling through views, use a drop-down list to
>> choose the view
>> Remove not very useful PickView::views::Unknown enum value so that enum can
>> start from 0, so it can be used directly as a drop-down list index.
> Almost Perfect.  Please apply, without the colon after "View" (compare
> with "Search").


> What still bugs me is that the static text elements do not vertically
> align with the texts in the input elements.  I. e., the word "View" is a
> dot or two lower than, say, the word "Category" in the drop down menu.
> Same for "Search" and the input field.  Can we fix this easily?  Any
> such patch is pre-approved.

I don't quite understand why the text doesn't look centered on the 
control at the moment.

The controls are the standard 14 DLUs high, 1 vertical DLU = 1/8th of 
the average character height, and (14 - 8)/2 = 3 DLUs is used as the 
offset between the top of the control and the top of the label.

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