Obsolete dependency report, 2016-Aug-12

Yaakov Selkowitz yselkowitz@cygwin.com
Fri Aug 12 23:13:00 GMT 2016

I just went through a cleanup of stale packages and obsolete 
dependencies.  Despite having added _several_ different ABI bumps over 
the last month, it looks like we are in *really* good shape.  I would 
like to thank the affected maintainers for rebuilding their packages so 

AFAICS there are just a few remaining packages to be rebuilt:

4ti2                                         Yue Ren/Marco Atzeri
gd[1]                                        Dr. Volker Zell
libmng                                       Dr. Volker Zell
mingw64-i686-gcc[2]                          Jonathan Yong
mingw64-x86_64-gcc[2]                        Jonathan Yong
slang                                        Marco Atzeri
tesseract-ocr                                Marco Atzeri
texlive                                      Ken Brown
znc                                          Alexey Sokolov

[1] https://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin-apps/2016-08/msg00019.html
[2] https://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2016-08/msg00110.html

As always, the master list is kept at:


This page is set for moderated changes, so feel free to strikethrough
your package from the list once its uploaded.



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