cygGraphicsMagick++-3.dll dependency

Marco Atzeri
Mon Mar 2 11:03:00 GMT 2015

On 3/1/2015 8:18 PM, Yaakov Selkowitz wrote:
> On Sun, 2015-03-01 at 12:17 +0100, Marco Atzeri wrote:
>> as GraphicsMagick 1.3.21 is pumping C++ ABI,
>> I will split the current
>> libGraphicsMagick3
>>    /usr/bin/cygGraphicsMagick++-3.dll
>>    /usr/bin/cygGraphicsMagick-3.dll
>>    /usr/bin/cygGraphicsMagickWand-2.dll
>> in 3 packages
>> libGraphicsMagick3
>>    /usr/bin/cygGraphicsMagick-3.dll
> Underscores should be added only when there are two consecutive but
> separate numbers (e.g. libglib2.0_0, where 2.0 is an API version and 0
> the ABI version, or libhdf5_9, where the 5 is part of the library name
> itself).  That doesn't apply here, so:

I will use "-" as done on netcdf



>> Question:
>> Other than octave there is any other package depending from
>> C++ interface cygGraphicsMagick++-3.dll ?
>> It should be none in cygwin, but eventually pdf2djvu in cygport ?
> Correct on both counts.

Ok, I will upload a a 1.3.20-2 with splitted libs
so you can just point to


as pdf2djvu dependency until rebuild.

> While we are at it, I am concerned about a similar issue arising with
> the ImageMagick libraries.  IMO they should be broken up into
> libMagickCore6_2 (which would OBSOLETES libMagickCore6),
> libMagickWand6_2, and libMagick++6_5 packages.  In the case of both
> packages, however, I would leave the single -devel for each as is.

I will consider on next rebuild.
Anyway ImageMagick breaks so many times the API/ABI, that next build 
will surely require something different from today.

> Yaakov


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