[ITP] AtomicParsley

David Stacey drstacey@tiscali.co.uk
Tue Jun 3 19:06:00 GMT 2014

AtomicParsley is a utility for reading and writing metadata tags on MP4 
files. It is found in many Linux distros, including Fedora [1].

# 32-bit:
wget --no-check-certificate --no-host-directories --force-directories 
--cut-dirs=5 \
${BASEURL}/AtomicParsley/AtomicParsley-0.9.6-1-src.tar.xz \
${BASEURL}/AtomicParsley/AtomicParsley-0.9.6-1.tar.xz \
${BASEURL}/AtomicParsley/AtomicParsley-debuginfo/setup.hint \

# 64-bit:
wget --no-check-certificate --no-host-directories --force-directories 
--cut-dirs=5 \
${BASEURL}/AtomicParsley/AtomicParsley-0.9.6-1-src.tar.xz \
${BASEURL}/AtomicParsley/AtomicParsley-0.9.6-1.tar.xz \
${BASEURL}/AtomicParsley/AtomicParsley-debuginfo/setup.hint \

The package name has been capitalised to reflect the name of the 
executable and to mirror the Fedora package name. Debian and Ubuntu both 
use the lowercase 'atomicparsley' for the package name, but keep the 
executable as 'AtomicParsley'. Personally, I prefer the Fedora 
convention, but I'm happy to change this if there's precedent elsewhere.

I couldn't decide on which category to use in the 'setup.ini' file - 
'Utils' seemed a bit broad, so I settled on 'Audio'. I'm not entirely 
convinced it fits in that category either, so I'll gladly change the 
category if anyone has a strong opinion.

Finally, I've been asked in the past to provide man pages for 
executables in my packages. AtomicParsley doesn't come with a man page, 
so I've generated one using help2man(1). I'm tempted to drop the man 
page though - even the Debian build comes without a man page these days [2].



[1] http://pkgs.org/search/AtomicParsley
[2] https://packages.debian.org/wheezy/i386/atomicparsley/filelist

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