Recent cygport and cygwin-specific READMEs [Was: Re: GCC-4.7.2-2: Go/No-go?]

Yaakov (Cygwin/X)
Sun Apr 14 03:45:00 GMT 2013

On 2013-04-13 00:55, Andy Koppe wrote:
> Cygport prints ">>> mintty requires:" at the end, which is correct as
> it doesn't require anything beyond the Cygwin DLL, but there's no
> setup.hint.

As Corinna already pointed out, this is a sign that the setup.hint 
generation succeeded, and in this case the requires: line is blank (and 
rightfully so, since mintty uses only cygwin1.dll and Win32 APIs).  If 
it had failed, there would have been a warning about a missing .hint 
file instead.

> I've also tried installing cygport from git master but got this after
> running ./ && make:
> make: *** No rule to make target `data/gnuconfig/config.guess', needed
> by `all-am'.  Stop.

This is one quirk of git that I've never understood: git clone does not 
expand submodules by default without the --recursive flag.  Run "git 
submodule update --init" to get these after a clone.


> _CYGPORT_RESTRICT_postinst_doc_=1

Variables beginning with an underscore are for internal use only.  This 
should be RESTRICT=postinstall-doc.  But what problem did you encounter 
to necessitate this?

>    insinto /usr/share/man/man1
>    doins docs/mintty.1

doman docs/mintty.1

>    dodoc COPYING
>    dodoc LICENSE.Oxygen
>    dodoc LICENSE.PuTTY

FYI, dodoc takes multiple arguments.


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