[ITP] poppler (attn: xpdf maintainer)

Dr. Volker Zell dr.volker.zell@oracle.com
Tue Feb 28 16:14:00 GMT 2012

>>>>> Yaakov  writes:

    > Another TeX Live dependency:
    > ftp://ftp.cygwinports.org/pub/cygwinports/uploads/poppler/
    > ftp://ftp.cygwinports.org/pub/cygwinports/release-2/poppler-data/

    > Dr. Volker Zell,

    > The command-line utilities in poppler conflict with those in xpdf.  As
    > poppler has more features and is better maintained, I propose to follow
    > Fedora's lead and ship them in poppler instead of xpdf.

    > All I need you to do is, while you're updating to xpdf-3.03, add this
    > line to your .cygport after cyginstall:

    > rm -fr ${D}/usr/{bin,share/man/man1}/pdf*

    > Thanks,

I uploaded an new xpdf-3.03 to vzell@sourceware.org:/home/vzell/xpdf    

You can just move it to the release are whenever you're ready.

By the way, I left the new (3.03) /usr/bin/pdfdetach (and man page) in
the package as it seems not to be in your poppler package yet.

    > Yaakov


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