[ITP] gnucap-2009.12.07-1

Peter Li chinasaurli@gmail.com
Mon Mar 14 22:22:00 GMT 2011

We discussed this a while back.  It's in the standard distros.  I pulled 
the version from cygports and bumped it up to the latest version.  I'm 
also including the last versioned release (0.35) as prev.  Version 0.35 
is from 2006 and is missing many features, so it is preferable to have 
2009.12.07 be the curr version.

Hopefully I got the setup.hint files formatted correctly for curr and 
prev with cygports...

curr (2009.12.07-1):
wget -x -nH --cut-dirs=2 \

prev (0.35):
wget -x -nH --cut-dirs=2 \

setup.hint (cygport format):
     curr: 2009.12.07
     prev: 0.35
     category: Science
     requires: libgcc1 libreadline7 libstdc++6 termcap
     sdesc: "Electronic circuit simulator backend"
     ldesc: "Gnucap is the Gnu Circuit Analysis Package.
     The primary component is a general purpose circuit simulator. It
     performs nonlinear dc and transient analyses, fourier analysis, and ac
     analysis. Spice compatible models for the MOSFET (level 1-8), BJT, and
     diode are included in this release."

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