HEADSUP maintainers: Packages install scripts without execute permissions

Ken Brown kbrown@cornell.edu
Mon Jun 22 13:45:00 GMT 2009

On 6/22/2009 9:12 AM, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> Here's the problem:  If you exec shell scripts, they should only be run
> if the user trying to run the script has execute permissions on the
> script.  This requires to check for executability in Cygwin, but as of
> today, such a check isn't performed in Cygwin.
> I have the patch for this ready, but I found that it would potentially
> break a couple of packages which have not set execute permissions on
> some of their script files.
> As you should know by now, setup for Cygwin 1.7 will set POSIX file
> permissions for the files extracted from the tar archives.  That means,
> all scripts which don't have execute permissions set, will also not have
> execute permissions set after the user installed them.  That's bad.
> So I created a list of packages which install scripts into
> /etc/preremove, /etc/postinstall, and /usr/bin without setting execute
> permissions on them.  Please guys, fix the permissions ASAP.

Users who have existing preremove scripts without execute permissions 
will still have problems if you change setup.exe to check for this, 
won't they?


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