[ITP] cppcheck

Dave Korn dave.korn.cygwin@googlemail.com
Tue Jul 28 13:33:00 GMT 2009

Chris Sutcliffe wrote:
> I would like to maintain cppcheck for the Cygwin distribution.  The
> files are available here:
> wget http://emergedesktop.org/cygwin/cppcheck/cppcheck-1.34-1.tar.bz2 \

  OK as far as it goes, but no Cygwin-specific readme.

> http://emergedesktop.org/cygwin/cppcheck/cppcheck-1.34-1-src.tar.bz2 \


> $ cygport  cppcheck-1.34-1 2>&1 inst | tee inst.log
>>>> Installing cppcheck-1.34-1
> Checking for symlinks:
> *** Warning: Cygwin README is missing
> Compressing man pages:

and also setup.hint is missing from the CYGWIN-PATCHES dir:

> cppcheck-1.34.tar.bz2
> *** Warning: setup.hint is missing

> http://emergedesktop.org/cygwin/cppcheck/setup.hint

  In the hint file itself:

> ldesc: "This program tries to detect bugs that your C/C++ compiler don't see.
> The goal is no false positives.
> Your compiler can detect many problems that cppcheck don't try to detect.
> We recommend that you enable as many warnings as possible in your compiler.

  IMO these previous two lines there belong in a README, not the ldesc.  I see
they come from upstream but as long as you're removing the "See also", I'd
suggest getting rid of them too.

> I'm not sure if this needs a vote or not, since it is included in Debian:
> http://packages.debian.org/unstable/main/cppcheck

  Unless I'm very much mistaken, that indeed qualifies it for upload without a


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