[ITP] ruby 1.9.1

Corinna Vinschen corinna-cygwin@cygwin.com
Wed Jul 15 19:38:00 GMT 2009

On Jul 15 09:55, James Thompson wrote:
> I am interested to begin maintaining a package for Ruby 1.9.1. I
> wanted to ask some questions about this though.
> 1.) How should Ruby 1.9 be packaged? Explanation: Right now there are
> packages for Ruby 1.8.7; if we follow the pattern of various Linux
> distros, Ruby 1.9.1 would go in as a separate package named perhaps
> ruby19 instead of the default ruby, which would continue to represent
> the 1.8.x branch.
> 2.) Is there a current maintainer for the ruby package that I should
> get in touch with to prevent trampling on their toes? If not, I am
> more than willing to take on maintenance of the ruby package overall.

I'm the current ruby maintainer.  The maintainer list is here:

I'm busy enough with other stuff, so, if you really want to take over
maintainership, I have no problems with that, provided the new ruby
package is for Cygwin 1.7 only, and you actually *port* it to Cygwin 1.7
(IPv6, long pathname support, you name it).


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Project Co-Leader          cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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