[ITP] arc 5.21 -- The ARC archive utility

Jari Aalto (Cygwin-bug#20080216T1835) jari.aalto@cante.net
Sat Feb 16 19:06:00 GMT 2008

Included in Debian stable



sdesc: "The ARC archive utility"
ldesc: "This program is based on the MSDOS ARC program, version 5.21, plus a
few enhancements. ARC performs Huffman Squeezing on data. The Huffman
Squeeze algorithm was removed from MSDOS ARC after version 5.12. It
turns out to be more efficient than Lempel-Ziv style compression when
compressing graphic images. Squeeze analysis is always done now, and
the best of packing, squeezing, or crunching is used."
category: Archive
requires: cygwin

 wget        \
    http://cygwin.cante.net/arc/arc-5.21m-1-src.tar.bz2 \
    http://cygwin.cante.net/arc/arc-5.21m-1.tar.bz2 \

  gpg --keyserver wwwkeys.pgp.net --recv-keys 955A92D8

  mkdir arc ; cd arc
  rm -f get.sh get.sh.sig
  wget    http://cygwin.cante.net/arc/get.sh \
          http://cygwin.cante.net/arc/get.sh.sig &&
  gpg --verify get.sh.sig get.sh &&
  sh get.sh

  cd /usr/src/cygwin-packages/arc
  less /usr/src/cygwin-packages/arc/get.sh
  tar -jtvf /usr/src/cygwin-packages/arc/arc-5.21m-1.tar.bz2

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