[ITP] screen

Andrew Schulman schulman.andrew@epamail.epa.gov
Sat Jul 7 21:55:00 GMT 2007

> Package looks good and works fine.

OK, thanks.

I forgot to mention that detaching and reattaching sessions works fine in
all terminals AFAIK, except that in a DOS console you have to set
CYGWIN=tty before opening the console.  Otherwise reattaching is likely to
fail, and you'll have to remove the dead session with -wipe, and probably
manually terminate the child processes too.

I've tried reattaching in rxvt, xterm, and PuTTYcyg, and it's always worked
fine for me, but PuTTYcyg is the only one I've used a lot.  Test reports
from different terminals will be welcome.

> Just the one and only cygwin app that detects it internally, naim, fails 
> to work with screen. But this is a naim problem, not screen.

Detects what internally?  screen?  So you mean that naim looks to see if
it's running in screen, and refuses to do so?


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