EOL for Windows 95/98/Me

Dave Korn dave.korn@artimi.com
Wed Feb 7 11:28:00 GMT 2007

On 07 February 2007 11:14, Corinna Vinschen wrote:

> On Feb  7 11:03, Dave Korn wrote:
>> On 07 February 2007 10:58, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
>>> We have a branch for 1.5.x already for >9 months.  Guess where the
>>> recent 1.5.x releases came from? ;)
>>   Ah, didn't notice.
>>   Is 1.7 going to branch off 1.5, or are 1.5 changes going to be merged
>> back to mainline and 1.7 series kick off from there?
> Er... Dave?  Hello?  There's a 1.5 *branch*.  Where, do you guess, is
> 1.7 developed in?  The trunk maybe?
> The trunk is 1.7 since 2006-07-25.  Didn't you notice that the snapshots
> already diverge from 1.5 for a couple of months?  I actually thought
> you're one of the guys following the development...

  Not for the last few months, no - CES took up >100% of my time (spare and
otherwise) for quite a long while this time round.... 

  I'll go read some change logs.

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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