libming and ploticus (Attn: SWI-Prolog maintainer)

Corinna Vinschen
Mon Sep 26 16:19:00 GMT 2005

On Sep 26 12:06, Andrew Schulman wrote:
> > So, no, I won't change the SWI-Prolog package to create /usr/bin/pl
> > only if it doesn't exist.  What's the problem having ploticus being named
> > ploticus?
> The only problem is that all of the ploticus docs refer to its
> executable as pl.  This would certainly confuse some users, at least
> for a while.  Of course I could add some text in the ploticus README
> file, but most users probably wouldn't see it.
> Is it possible to do as Igor suggested, and create a symlink from
> /usr/bin/pl to /usr/bin/ploticus iff /usr/bin/pl doesn't already
> exist?  If the user then later installed SWI-Prolog, would the
> installer blow up or fail to install the Prolog /usr/bin/pl?

Sounds more confusing to me than just leaving ploticus being ploticus.
I don't think it makes sense to use the same name for different tools
and let them struggle for the name.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Project Co-Leader          cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat, Inc.

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