Anyone looking at the 'setup.exe' 2.510.2.1 crashing problem?

Dave Korn
Thu Sep 8 15:28:00 GMT 2005

----Original Message----
>From: Igor Pechtchanski
>Sent: 08 September 2005 16:27

>> This doesn't seem to be a problem with the package database.  You can
>> add a "umount --remove-all-mounts" to the above, choose a different root
>> during installation and still get the same result.
> Looks like Dave mis-spoke -- he said "package database", but he seems to
> have been talking about the "local package cache".

  Yep, absolutely.  However, that's a secondary problem: that's down to
packageversion::scan calling check_for_cached without putting a try...except
wrapper around it, as is done everywhere else.

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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