3rd summary (was Re: [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.)

Corinna Vinschen corinna-cygwin@cygwin.com
Mon Oct 3 14:30:00 GMT 2005

On Sep 15 18:45, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> Mails in the last couple of weeks indicate that we have lost one or the
> other maintainer without getting any notice from them.  Since we have
> a couple of packages which haven't been updated for a good amount of time,
> there's apparently a need to find out, which packages are still maintained
> and which have lost their maintainer on the way.
> 	      So, ALL maintainers of Cygwin packages,
> 	please reply to this mail within the next six weeks,
> 	    including a list of ALL packages you maintain.
> This "survey" will run until 2005-10-31.  I will ping every week, so you
> have a bit of time.  However, if you don't reply until 2005-10-31, your
> packages will be up for grabs.  Which means, they will disappear from
> the Cygwin net distribution if nobody wants to take over maintainership.

Below are the results as of today 2005-10-03.  It would be helpful if all
maintainers could scan this lists again, so that we're sure that nothing
has been left out accidentally and to clear up some questions.  Later
changes due to dropping or switching maintainership should be explicitely
mentioned at one point, please.



  dpkg                           Robert Collins or up for grabs?
  keychain                       Hack Kampbjorn (Nicholas Wourms)
  lilypond                       Up for grabs or Jan Nieuwenhuizen?
  lilypond-doc                   Up for grabs or Jan Nieuwenhuizen?
  ncftp                          Hack Kampbjorn (Nicholas Wourms)
  squid                          Robert Collins or up for grabs?


  agetty                         Nicholas Wourms
  chkconfig                      Nicholas Wourms
  ghostscript                    James R. Phillips
  ghostscript-base               James R. Phillips
  ghostscript-x11                James R. Phillips
  initscripts                    Nicholas Wourms
  sysvinit                       Nicholas Wourms
  xinetd                         Nicholas Wourms




  cygipc                         OBSOLETE (Charles Wilson)
  fileutils                      OBSOLETE (Eric Blake, once Christopher Faylor)
  libpcre                        OBSOLETE (Corinna Vinschen)
  regex                          OBSOLETE (Corinna)
  sh-utils                       OBSOLETE (Eric Blake)
  textutils                      OBSOLETE (Eric Blake)
  unison                         OBSOLETE (Andrew Schulman)
  xfig-doc                       OBSOLETE (Harold L Hunt II)
  xfig-etc                       OBSOLETE (Harold L Hunt II)
  xfig-lib                       OBSOLETE (Harold L Hunt II)
  xfig-man                       OBSOLETE (Harold L Hunt II)
  xfree86-base                   OBSOLETE (???)
  xfree86-bin                    OBSOLETE (???)
  xfree86-bin-icons              OBSOLETE (???)
  xfree86-doc                    OBSOLETE (???)
  xfree86-etc                    OBSOLETE (???)
  xfree86-f100                   OBSOLETE (???)
  xfree86-fcyr                   OBSOLETE (???)
  xfree86-fenc                   OBSOLETE (???)
  xfree86-fnts                   OBSOLETE (???)
  xfree86-fscl                   OBSOLETE (???)
  xfree86-fsrv                   OBSOLETE (???)
  xfree86-html                   OBSOLETE (???)
  xfree86-jdoc                   OBSOLETE (???)
  xfree86-lib                    OBSOLETE (???)
  xfree86-lib-compat             OBSOLETE (???)
  xfree86-man                    OBSOLETE (???)
  xfree86-nest                   OBSOLETE (???)
  xfree86-prog                   OBSOLETE (???)
  xfree86-prt                    OBSOLETE (???)
  xfree86-ps                     OBSOLETE (???)
  xfree86-startup-scripts        OBSOLETE (???)
  xfree86-vfb                    OBSOLETE (???)
  xfree86-xserv                  OBSOLETE (???)
  xfree86-xwinclip               OBSOLETE (???)


  _update-info-dir               Christopher Faylor
  alternatives                   Charles Wilson
  antiword                       Gerrit P. Haase
  apache                         Robert Richter
  apache2                        Max Bowsher
  apache2-devel                  Max Bowsher
  apache2-manual                 Max Bowsher
  apr                            Max Bowsher
  apr-util                       Max Bowsher
  ash                            Corinna Vinschen
  aspell                         Gareth Pearce
  aspell-de                      Dr. Volker Zell
  aspell-dev                     Gareth Pearce
  aspell-doc                     Gareth Pearce
  aspell-pl                      Dr. Volker Zell
  atk                            Gerrit P. Haase
  atk-devel                      Gerrit P. Haase
  atk-doc                        Gerrit P. Haase
  atk-runtime                    Gerrit P. Haase
  audiofile                      Yaakov S
  autoconf                       Charles Wilson
  autoconf-devel                 Charles Wilson
  autoconf-stable                Charles Wilson
  autoconf2.1                    Charles Wilson
  autoconf2.5                    Charles Wilson
  automake                       Charles Wilson
  automake-devel                 Charles Wilson
  automake-stable                Charles Wilson
  automake1.4                    Charles Wilson
  automake1.6                    Charles Wilson
  automake1.7                    Charles Wilson
  automake1.8                    Charles Wilson
  automake1.9                    Charles Wilson
  autossh                        Andrew Schulman
  base-files                     John Morrison
  base-passwd                    John Morrison
  bash                           Eric Blake
  bash-completion                Eric Blake
  bashdb                         Eric Blake
  bc                             Christopher Faylor
  binutils                       Christopher Faylor
  bison                          Christopher Faylor
  boost                          Vaclav Haisman
  boost-devel                    Vaclav Haisman
  byacc                          Christopher Faylor
  bzip2                          Charles Wilson
  bzr                            Jari Aalto
  c3270                          Peter A. Castro
  cabextract                     Jari Aalto
  ccache                         Christopher Faylor
  ccdoc                          Joe Linoff
  ccrypt                         Andreas Seidl
  cgoban                         Teun Burgers
  check                          Gerrit P. Haase
  chere                          Dave Kilroy
  clamav                         Reini Urban
  clisp                          Sam Steingold
  cocom                          Igor Pechtchanski
  coreutils                      Eric Blake
  cpio                           Corinna Vinschen
  cppunit                        Harold L Hunt II
  cron                           Corinna Vinschen
  crypt                          Corinna Vinschen
  ctetris                        Reini Urban
  cvs                            Charles Wilson
  cvsutils                       Eric Blake
  cygrunsrv                      Corinna Vinschen
  cygutils                       Charles Wilson
  cygwin                         Christopher Faylor
  cygwin-doc                     Joshua Daniel Franklin
  cyrus-sasl                     Gareth Pearce
  d                              Yaakov S
  db                             Gerrit P. Haase
  db2                            Gerrit P. Haase
  db3.1                          Gerrit P. Haase
  db4.1                          Gerrit P. Haase
  db4.2                          Gerrit P. Haase
  db4.3                          Gerrit P. Haase
  ddd                            Harold L Hunt II
  dejagnu                        Christopher Faylor
  desktop-file-utils             Yaakov S
  diffstat                       Eric Blake
  diffutils                      Christopher Faylor
  distcc                         Harold L Hunt II
  docbook-xml412                 Marcel Telka
  docbook-xml42                  Marcel Telka
  docbook-xml43                  Marcel Telka
  docbook-xml44                  Marcel Telka
  docbook-xsl                    Marcel Telka
  doxygen                        Max Bowsher
  ed                             Christopher Faylor
  email                          Ross Smith II
  enscript                       Gerrit P. Haase
  epstool                        James R. Phillips
  esound                         Yaakov S
  exif                           Gerrit P. Haase
  exim                           Pierre A. Humblet
  expat                          Gerrit P. Haase
  expect                         Christopher Faylor
  fetchmail                      Jason Tishler
  fftw3                          James R. Phillips
  fftw3-dev                      James R. Phillips
  fftw3-doc                      James R. Phillips
  file                           Corinna Vinschen
  findutils                      Eric Blake
  flac                           Corinna Vinschen
  flac-devel                     Corinna Vinschen
  flex                           Christopher Faylor
  fltk                           Teun Burgers
  fontconfig                     Harold L Hunt II
  fortune                        Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes
  freeglut                       Gerrit P. Haase
  freetype2                      Yaakov S 
  fvwm                           Harold L Hunt II
  gawk                           Corinna Vinschen
  gcc                            Gerrit P. Haase
  gcc-ada                        Gerrit P. Haase
  gcc-core                       Gerrit P. Haase
  gcc-g++                        Gerrit P. Haase
  gcc-g77                        Gerrit P. Haase
  gcc-gdc                        Gerrit P. Haase
  gcc-gm2                        Gerrit P. Haase
  gcc-gpc                        Gerrit P. Haase
  gcc-java                       Gerrit P. Haase
  gcc-mingw                      Gerrit P. Haase
  gcc-mingw-ada                  Gerrit P. Haase
  gcc-mingw-core                 Gerrit P. Haase
  gcc-mingw-g++                  Gerrit P. Haase
  gcc-mingw-g77                  Gerrit P. Haase
  gcc-mingw-gdc                  Gerrit P. Haase
  gcc-mingw-gpc                  Gerrit P. Haase
  gcc-mingw-java                 Gerrit P. Haase
  gcc-mingw-objc                 Gerrit P. Haase
  gcc-objc                       Gerrit P. Haase
  gcc-testsuite                  Gerrit P. Haase
  gconf2                         Gerrit P. Haase
  gd                             Dr. Volker Zell
  gdb                            Christopher Faylor
  gdbm                           Charles Wilson
  gettext                        Charles Wilson
  gettext-devel                  Charles Wilson
  glib                           Yaakov S
  glib-devel                     Yaakov S
  glib2                          Gerrit P. Haase
  glib2-devel                    Gerrit P. Haase
  glib2-doc                      Gerrit P. Haase
  glib2-runtime                  Gerrit P. Haase
  gmp                            Lapo Luchini
  gnome-common                   Yaakov S
  gnome-icon-theme               Yaakov S
  gnome-keyring                  Yaakov S
  gnome-mime-data                Yaakov S
  gnome-vfs2                     Gerrit P. Haase
  gnugo                          Teun Burgers
  gnupg                          Volker Quetschke
  gnuplot                        Dr. Volker Zell
  gnutls                         Gerrit P. Haase
  gnutls-devel                   Gerrit P. Haase
  gnutls-doc                     Gerrit P. Haase
  gperf                          Christopher Faylor
  grace                          Volker Quetschke
  graphicsmagick                 Harold L Hunt II
  grep                           Christopher Faylor
  groff                          Christopher Faylor
  gsl                            Teun Burgers
  gtk+                           Yaakov S
  gtk+-devel                     Yaakov S
  gtk-doc                        Yaakov S
  gtk-engines                    Yaakov S
  gtk2-x11                       Gerrit P. Haase
  gtk2-x11-devel                 Gerrit P. Haase
  gtk2-x11-doc                   Gerrit P. Haase
  gtk2-x11-runtime               Gerrit P. Haase
  gtypist                        Yaakov S
  guile                          Jan Nieuwenhuizen
  guile-devel                    Jan Nieuwenhuizen
  guile-doc                      Jan Nieuwenhuizen
  gv                             Dr. Volker Zell
  gzip                           Christopher Faylor
  help2man                       Yaakov S
  hexedit                        Marcel Telka
  hicolor-icon-theme             Yaakov S
  imagemagick                    Harold L Hunt II
  imlib                          Yaakov S
  indent                         Gerrit P. Haase
  inetutils                      Corinna Vinschen
  intltool                       Gerrit P. Haase
  ioperm                         Marcel Telka
  irc                            Corinna Vinschen
  jasper                         Gerrit P. Haase
  jbigkit                        Charles Wilson
  jgraph                         Igor Pechtchanski
  jpeg                           Charles Wilson
  lablgtk2                       Andrew Schulman
  lapack                         James R. Phillips
  lcms                           John Morrison
  less                           Christopher Faylor
  lesstif                        Brian Ford
  libao                          Corinna Vinschen
  libao-devel                    Corinna Vinschen
  libao2                         Corinna Vinschen
  libapr0                        Max Bowsher
  libaprutil0                    Max Bowsher
  libart_lgpl                    Gerrit P. Haase
  libaspell15                    Gareth Pearce
  libaudiofile-devel             Yaakov S
  libaudiofile0                  Yaakov S
  libbonobo2                     Gerrit P. Haase
  libbonobo2-devel               Gerrit P. Haase
  libbonobo2-doc                 Gerrit P. Haase
  libbonobo20                    Gerrit P. Haase
  libbonoboui2                   Gerrit P. Haase
  libbz2_0                       Charles Wilson
  libbz2_1                       Charles Wilson
  libcharset1                    Charles Wilson
  libcroco                       Gerrit P. Haase
  libcroco06                     Gerrit P. Haase
  libdb2                         Gerrit P. Haase
  libdb2-devel                   Gerrit P. Haase
  libdb3.1                       Gerrit P. Haase
  libdb3.1-devel                 Gerrit P. Haase
  libdb4.1                       Gerrit P. Haase
  libdb4.1-devel                 Gerrit P. Haase
  libdb4.2                       Gerrit P. Haase
  libdb4.2-devel                 Gerrit P. Haase
  libdb4.3                       Gerrit P. Haase
  libdb4.3-devel                 Gerrit P. Haase
  libesound-devel                Yaakov S
  libesound0                     Yaakov S
  libexif                        Gerrit P. Haase
  libexif10                      Gerrit P. Haase
  libflac++5                     Corinna Vinschen
  libflac7                       Corinna Vinschen
  libfontconfig-devel            Harold L Hunt II
  libfontconfig1                 Harold L Hunt II
  libfpx                         Gerrit P. Haase
  libfreetype2-devel             Yaakov S
  libfreetype26                  Yaakov S
  libgc                          Bob Heckel
  libgcrypt                      Volker Quetschke
  libgd-devel                    Dr. Volker Zell
  libgd2                         Dr. Volker Zell
  libgdbm                        Charles Wilson
  libgdbm-devel                  Charles Wilson
  libgdbm3                       Charles Wilson
  libgdbm4                       Charles Wilson
  libgeotiff                     Charles Wilson
  libgeotiff-devel               Charles Wilson
  libgeotiff1                    Charles Wilson
  libgettextpo0                  Charles Wilson
  libglade2                      Yaakov S
  libgnome2                      Gerrit P. Haase
  libgnomecanvas2                Yaakov S
  libgnomeprint22                Yaakov S
  libgnomeprintui22              Yaakov S
  libgnomeui2                    Gerrit P. Haase
  libgnutls11                    Gerrit P. Haase
  libgpg-error                   Volker Quetschke
  libgraphicsmagick-devel        Harold L Hunt II
  libgraphicsmagick0             Harold L Hunt II
  libguile12                     Jan Nieuwenhuizen
  libguile12abi13                Jan Nieuwenhuizen
  libguile16                     Jan Nieuwenhuizen
  libiconv                       Charles Wilson
  libiconv2                      Charles Wilson
  libidl                         Yaakov S
  libintl                        Charles Wilson
  libintl1                       Charles Wilson
  libintl2                       Charles Wilson
  libintl3                       Charles Wilson
  libjpeg62                      Charles Wilson
  libjpeg6b                      Charles Wilson
  libkpathsea3                   Jan Nieuwenhuizen
  libkpathsea4                   Jan Nieuwenhuizen
  libltdl3                       Charles Wilson
  libmagick-devel                Harold L Hunt II
  libmagick6                     Harold L Hunt II
  libmng                         Gerrit P. Haase
  libncurses-devel               Charles Wilson
  libncurses5                    Charles Wilson
  libncurses6                    Charles Wilson
  libncurses7                    Charles Wilson
  libncurses8                    Charles Wilson
  libneon24                      Max Bowsher
  libnetpbm-devel                Yaakov S
  libnetpbm10                    Yaakov S
  libogg                         Corinna Vinschen
  libogg-devel                   Corinna Vinschen
  libogg0                        Corinna Vinschen
  liboggflac++2                  Corinna Vinschen
  liboggflac3                    Corinna Vinschen
  libopencdk8                    Gerrit P. Haase
  libopenldap2                   Dr. Volker Zell
  libopenldap2_2_7               Dr. Volker Zell
  libpcre0                       Yaakov S
  libpng                         Charles Wilson
  libpng10                       Charles Wilson
  libpng10-devel                 Charles Wilson
  libpng12                       Charles Wilson
  libpng12-devel                 Charles Wilson
  libpng2                        Charles Wilson
  libpopt0                       Christopher Faylor
  libproj-devel                  Charles Wilson
  libproj0                       Charles Wilson
  libreadline4                   Eric Blake
  libreadline5                   Eric Blake
  libreadline6                   Eric Blake
  libsasl2                       Gareth Pearce
  libsasl2-devel                 Gareth Pearce
  libspeex1                      Corinna Vinschen
  libtasn1                       Gerrit P. Haase
  libtiff-devel                  Charles Wilson
  libtiff3                       Charles Wilson
  libtiff4                       Charles Wilson
  libtiff5                       Charles Wilson
  libtool                        Charles Wilson
  libtool-devel                  Charles Wilson
  libtool-stable                 Charles Wilson
  libtool1.5                     Charles Wilson
  libungif                       Yaakov S
  libvorbis                      Corinna Vinschen
  libvorbis-devel                Corinna Vinschen
  libvorbis0                     Corinna Vinschen
  libvorbisenc2                  Corinna Vinschen
  libvorbisfile3                 Corinna Vinschen
  libwmf                         Gerrit P. Haase
  libwnck                        Yaakov S
  libxft                         Harold L Hunt II
  libxft-devel                   Harold L Hunt II
  libxft1                        Harold L Hunt II
  libxft2                        Harold L Hunt II
  libxml                         Yaakov S
  libxml2                        Gerrit P. Haase
  libxml2-devel                  Gerrit P. Haase
  libxml2-doc                    Gerrit P. Haase
  libxml2-python                 Gerrit P. Haase
  libxslt                        Gerrit P. Haase
  links                          Harold L Hunt II
  login                          Corinna Vinschen
  lynx                           Corinna Vinschen
  m4                             Eric Blake
  make                           Christopher Faylor
  man                            Dr. Volker Zell
  mathomatic                     Reini Urban
  mc                             Pavel Tsekov
  mhash                          Reini Urban
  mhash-devel                    Reini Urban
  mined                          Thomas Wolff
  mingw-bzip2                    Charles Wilson
  mingw-libbz2_1                 Charles Wilson
  mingw-runtime                  Chris Sutcliffe
  mingw-zlib                     Charles Wilson
  minires                        Pierre A. Humblet
  minires-devel                  Pierre A. Humblet
  mktemp                         Charles Wilson
  more                           Christopher Faylor
  mt                             Corinna Vinschen
  mutt                           Gary R. Van Sickle
  nano                           Gareth Pearce
  ncurses                        Charles Wilson
  ncurses-demo                   Charles Wilson
  nedit                          Harold L Hunt II
  neon                           Max Bowsher
  netcat                         Corinna Vinschen
  netpbm                         Yaakov S
  nfs-server                     Sam Robb
  ocaml                          Igor Pechtchanski
  octave                         James R. Phillips
  octave-doc                     James R. Phillips
  octave-forge                   James R. Phillips
  octave-headers                 James R. Phillips
  octave-htmldoc                 James R. Phillips
  octave-info                    James R. Phillips
  octave-otags                   James R. Phillips
  openbox                        Harold L Hunt II
  opencdk                        Gerrit P. Haase
  opengl                         Andre Bleau
  openjade                       Gerrit P. Haase
  openldap                       Dr. Volker Zell
  openldap-devel                 Dr. Volker Zell
  opensp                         Gerrit P. Haase
  openssh                        Corinna Vinschen
  openssl                        Corinna Vinschen
  openssl-devel                  Corinna Vinschen
  openssl097                     Corinna Vinschen
  orbit2                         Yaakov S
  orbit2-devel                   Yaakov S
  orpie                          Andrew Schulman
  pango                          Gerrit P. Haase
  pango-devel                    Gerrit P. Haase
  pango-doc                      Gerrit P. Haase
  pango-runtime                  Gerrit P. Haase
  par                            Lapo Luchini
  patch                          Corinna Vinschen
  patchutils                     Max Bowsher
  pcre                           Yaakov S
  pcre-devel                     Yaakov S
  pcre-doc                       Yaakov S
  pdksh                          Igor Pechtchanski
  perl                           Gerrit P. Haase
  perl-libwin32                  Reini Urban
  perl-win32-gui                 Reini Urban
  perl_manpages                  Gerrit P. Haase
  pine                           Igor Pechtchanski
  pinfo                          Joshua Daniel Franklin
  pkgconfig                      Charles Wilson
  ploticus                       Andrew Schulman
  ploticus-common                Andrew Schulman
  ploticus-doc                   Andrew Schulman
  popt                           Christopher Faylor
  postgresql                     Jason Tishler < 7.x / Reini Urban >= 8.x
  pr3270                         Peter A. Castro
  procmail                       Jason Tishler
  procps                         Chris January
  proftpd                        Jason Tishler
  proj                           Charles Wilson
  psmisc                         Corinna Vinschen
  psutils                        Daniel_B=F6=DFwetter
  python                         Jason Tishler
  qt3                            Yaakov S
  qt3-bin                        Yaakov S
  qt3-devel                      Yaakov S
  qt3-doc                        Yaakov S
  readline                       Eric Blake
  rebase                         Jason Tishler
  robots                         Corinna Vinschen
  rpm                            Christopher Faylor
  rpm-build                      Christopher Faylor
  rpm-doc                        Christopher Faylor
  rsync                          Lapo Luchini
  ruby                           Corinna Vinschen
  s3270                          Peter A. Castro
  sed                            Corinna Vinschen
  setsid                         Corinna Vinschen
  shared-mime-info               Yaakov S
  sharutils                      Eric Blake
  shutdown                       Corinna Vinschen
  singular-base                  Oliver Wienand
  singular-help                  Oliver Wienand
  singular-icons                 Oliver Wienand
  singular-share                 Oliver Wienand
  singular-surf                  Oliver Wienand
  speex                          Corinna Vinschen
  speex-devel                    Corinna Vinschen
  startup-notification           Yaakov S
  stow                           Andrew Schulman
  stunnel                        Marcel Telka
  subversion                     Max Bowsher
  subversion-apache2             Max Bowsher
  subversion-book                Max Bowsher
  subversion-devel               Max Bowsher
  subversion-perl                Max Bowsher
  subversion-python              Max Bowsher
  suite3270                      Peter A. Castro
  sunrpc                         Sam Robb
  swi-prolog                     Corinna Vinschen
  swig                           Max Bowsher
  t1lib                          Dr. Volker Zell
  t1lib-x11                      Dr. Volker Zell
  tar                            Eric Blake
  tcl3270                        Peter A. Castro
  tcltk                          Christopher Faylor
  tcm                            Daniel_B=F6=DFwetter
  tcsh                           Corinna Vinschen
  termcap                        Christopher Faylor
  terminfo                       Charles Wilson
  tetex                          Jan Nieuwenhuizen
  tetex-base                     Jan Nieuwenhuizen
  tetex-bin                      Jan Nieuwenhuizen
  tetex-devel                    Jan Nieuwenhuizen
  tetex-doc                      Jan Nieuwenhuizen
  tetex-extra                    Jan Nieuwenhuizen
  tetex-tiny                     Jan Nieuwenhuizen
  tetex-x11                      Jan Nieuwenhuizen
  texi2html                      Dr. Volker Zell
  texinfo                        Christopher Faylor
  texmacs                        Andreas Seidl
  tidy                           Lapo Luchini
  tiff                           Charles Wilson
  time                           Christopher Faylor
  tin                            Corinna Vinschen
  transfig                       Harold L Hunt II
  typespeed                      Lapo Luchini
  tzcode                         Dr. Volker Zell
  ucl                            Lapo Luchini
  unison2.10.2                   Andrew Schulman
  unison2.12.0                   Andrew Schulman
  unison2.13                     Andrew Schulman
  unison2.17                     Andrew Schulman
  unison2.9.1                    Andrew Schulman
  unison2.9.20                   Andrew Schulman
  units                          John Morrison
  unzip                          Charles Wilson
  upx                            Lapo Luchini
  vim                            Corinna Vinschen
  vorbis-tools                   Corinna Vinschen
  w32api                         Chris Sutcliffe
  w3m                            Bob Heckel
  wget                           Harold L Hunt II
  which                          Corinna Vinschen
  whois                          Lapo Luchini
  windowmaker                    Harold L Hunt II
  wordnet                        Dr. Volker Zell
  wtf                            Igor Pechtchanski
  x3270                          Peter A. Castro
  xaw3d                          Harold L Hunt II
  xemacs                         Dr. Volker Zell
  xemacs-emacs-common            Dr. Volker Zell
  xemacs-mule-sumo               Dr. Volker Zell
  xemacs-sumo                    Dr. Volker Zell
  xemacs-tags                    Dr. Volker Zell
  xfig                           Harold L Hunt II
  xfig-bin                       Harold L Hunt II
  xgraph                         Harold L Hunt II
  xmhtml                         Dr. Volker Zell
  xmlto                          Marcel Telka
  xmon                           Harold L Hunt II
  xpdf                           Dr. Volker Zell
  xpm-nox                        Charles Wilson
  xterm                          Harold L Hunt II
  zip                            Charles Wilson
  zlib                           Charles Wilson
  zsh                            Peter A. Castro

Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Project Co-Leader          cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat, Inc.

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