[ITP] smartmontools: monitoring S.M.A.R.T. disks and devices

Christian Franke Christian.Franke@t-online.de
Thu Nov 17 19:37:00 GMT 2005

Corinna Vinschen wrote:

> [...]
>Looks pretty much ok, except
>- I don't like the versioning scheme.  You should keep the normal Cygwin
>  subversion intact (counting from 1) and put the `pre2005...' string
>  into the main version, in a way which allows easy updates without
>  having to put "curr" and "prev" strings into setup.hint at some later
>  point.  For instance
>    smartmontools-5.33pre20051115-1.tar.bz2
>  Accordingly in the source archive, so that the 5.34 release number is
>  not tainted.  I hope that makes sense.


I selected 5.34 because PACKAGE_VERSION in current CVS is already set to 
5.34, "make install" puts docsfiles in 
/usr/share/doc/smartmontools-5.34, programs output this version, etc.

If the above doesn't matter, I suggest to use


because it is not a 5.33pre-release but a release from current CVS 
snapshot which is based on 5.33.

>- The postinstall script copies the file /etc/defaults/etc/smartd.conf,
>  but the file itself is accidentally in /etc/defaults.

Yes, thanks.

>If you change this, the package is GTG, AFAICS.



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