[patch] fix for the proxy port preference not being saved

Max Bowsher maxb@ukf.net
Tue May 3 17:18:00 GMT 2005

Brian Dessent wrote:
>> This is the much-requested fix for the problem of not saving the proxy
>> port.  I had always expected this was some kind of trivial bug that just
>> needed a quick fix, but I was incorrect.  It was much more subtle than I
>> gave it credit for.
>> Essentially, save_dialog() is called any time a window message is
>> received that indicates something has changed in the dialog, and the
>> value is copied from the dialog into local variables.  When setup
>> terminates, these values are correctly saved to
>> /etc/setup/last-connection, and properly read upon startup the next
>> time.
>> The problem was that when load_dialog() runs to ostensibly restore these
>> saved values, it first sets the net_proxy_host value - but this causes a
>> window message to be dispatched, which results in save_dialog() being
>> called.  Since load_dialog has not yet had a chance to restore the proxy
>> port setting, save_dialog reads the value of 0 and replaces the value of
>> net_proxy_host with 0.
>> Seems simple enough in hindsight, but by the time I realized what was
>> going on I had been single stepping through disassembly in user32.dll
>> because I was convinced that the win32 call to SetDlgItemText() was
>> clobbering adjacent memory locations.  Silly me...

Thankyou! A very nice piece of debugging.
Committed, with the minor tweak of moving the initialization of the new 
boolean actually happens.

I'm inclined to merge this change over to the release branch and actually 
release it.


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