[ITP] email-2.3.0 (review)

Christopher Faylor cgf-no-personal-reply-please@cygwin.com
Thu Oct 21 20:29:00 GMT 2004

On Thu, Oct 21, 2004 at 01:12:55PM -0800, Ross Smith II wrote:
>Corinna Vinschen wrote:
>> On Oct 20 18:32, Ross Smith II wrote:
>> I don't understand this one.  Exim as well as ssmtp both have a config
>> script which sets /usr/sbin/sendmail so that it points to the real
>> executable, if /usr/sbin/sendmail doesn't exists.
>> Wouldn't it be better to use /usr/sbin/sendmail as default and either
>> to complain if /usr/sbin/sendmail doesn't exist?
>You're right. It now defaults to /usr/sbin/sendmail.  I have uploaded the
>corrected files (though I didn't bump the release number):
>Thanks for all the help.  This was my first release, and I learned alot.

I've uploaded this but I made a few changes to the setup.hint file.

1) I removed the extraneous '@ chere' from the beginning.  This field should
   only be used when absolutely necessary and that is only when the name of
   the package doesn't match the name of the package directory.  This field
   is only very rarely needed.

2) I removed the "curr" tag.  There is no reason to use it unless you are
   trying to subvert the way that upset would normally handle the version
   numbering.  Usually, the decisions that upset makes are correct.

3) Please don't indent the "ldesc" field.  Although nothing displays this
   currently, indenting the text to some arbitrary level doesn't do anything.

4) The setup.hint file should not have CRLF line endings.

Other than these minor issues, the package is fine, AFAICT.

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announcement as a guide.  Make sure that you include unsubscribe


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