[ITP] apr, apr-util

Max Bowsher maxb@ukf.net
Sat May 8 21:13:00 GMT 2004

Max Bowsher wrote:
> APR is the Apache Portable Runtime. APR-util is an addon package to APR
> containing non-core useful features.
> Both are required by Subversion.

Thankyou to everyone who voted:
* Volker Quetschke
* Gerrit P. Haase
* Corinna Vinschen

Here are apr and apr-util packages for review:

Setup URL:


Setup.hints below.


========================== libapr0 ================================
sdesc: "The Apache Portable Runtime (runtime package)"
ldesc: "The mission of the Apache Portable Runtime (APR) project is to
and maintain software libraries that provide a predictable and consistent
interface to underlying platform-specific implementations.

This is the core library of this system."
category: Libs
requires: cygwin
external-source: apr

========================= apr =====================================
sdesc: "The Apache Portable Runtime (development/documentation package)"
ldesc: "The mission of the Apache Portable Runtime (APR) project is to
and maintain software libraries that provide a predictable and consistent
interface to underlying platform-specific implementations.

This is the core library of this system."
category: Libs Devel
requires: cygwin libapr0

========================== libaprutil0 =============================
sdesc: "Additional utility library for use with the Apache Portable Runtime
(runtime package)"
ldesc: "The mission of the Apache Portable Runtime (APR) project is to
and maintain software libraries that provide a predictable and consistent
interface to underlying platform-specific implementations.

This is APR-Util, an addon library which provides miscellaneous additional
utility functionality."
category: Libs
requires: cygwin libapr0
external-source: apr-util

=============================== apr-util ============================
sdesc: "Additional utility library for use with the Apache Portable Runtime
(development/documentation package)"
ldesc: "The mission of the Apache Portable Runtime (APR) project is to
and maintain software libraries that provide a predictable and consistent
interface to underlying platform-specific implementations.

This is APR-Util, an addon library which provides miscellaneous additional
utility functionality."
category: Libs Devel
requires: cygwin libaprutil0 apr

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