[ITP] par-1.51 - Greatly enhanced 'fmt' type paragraph reformatter

Jari Aalto+mail.linux letters@hotpop.com
Thu Mar 11 19:31:00 GMT 2004

* Fri 2004-03-05 Frédéric Meunier <1 <AT> pervalidus.net> list.cygwin-apps
* Message-Id: <Pine.LNX.4.58.0403051735100.14772 <AT> pervalidus.dyndns.org>
| On Fri, 5 Mar 2004, Igor Pechtchanski wrote:
| > Jari,
| >
| > Please check the existing packages before ITPing stuff.  There already is
| > "par" in Cygwin, and it's even newer than what you've ITP'd:
| > <http://cygwin.com/cgi-bin2/package-grep.cgi?grep=bin%2Fpar%28%5C.exe%7C+%7C%24%29>.

Right, please ignore "par".

| I'd also say: Reply to the aterm and any other issues of your
| ITP before proposing other packages.

Sure, I just got back my access to my mail boxes.

I'm now taking to aterm developer, but for the time being, please 
put off the aterm ITP.


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