Possible legal problem with ccrypt? [Was: Re: Pending Packages List, 2004-02-13]

Lapo lapo@lapo.it
Mon Feb 23 12:20:00 GMT 2004

Volker Quetschke wrote:
> Now it's too late. Anyone here with a bit web/ftp space to host the 
> cygwin package? (Preferably in europe?)

I guess the nice guts at gnupg.org would be happy to host a /cygwin/ 
directory in their FTP and put in the web page: "cygwin users out there 
can just add this source to they setup.exe to continue use gnupg" (of 
course we'd have to create setup.ini also, but that is not a problem at 
all, for a single package...)

Anyway, I guess we're a bit OT here, now... =(

BTW: if you could also send me the source package by email I'd like to 
install it ;-)

L a p o   L u c h i n i
l a p o @ l a p o . i t
w w w . l a p o . i t /

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