Pending patches for generic build script

Yaakov Selkowitz
Wed Feb 11 17:28:00 GMT 2004

Hash: SHA1

Igor Pechtchanski wrote:
| Is this new patch substantially different from your previous submission?
| The reason I'm asking is that I have your previous patch heavily edited
| locally, mostly to eliminate things that I'm already in the process of
| applying, such as the '; \' -> '&& \' transformation, and I'd rather not
| go through that again unless I have to.  If the patch is the same, just
| send a ChangeLog, please (more comments below).

There are some changes from the last patch:

* info pages gzipped (if there are any)
* gzip-ing of man pages dependent on presence of man pages
* clean instdir before make install instead of reinstall()
* depend() checks DLLs as well as EXEs
* depend() output is indented two spaces (for Cygwin README)

BTW, I see now that there's a slight error in my last patch; there's a
backslash in the middle of the depend() function (line starting with
sed) that needs to be removed.

| ... and so on.  As I suggested to Alan, please wait a few days so that I
| can finish checking in all the minor changes that are already in the
| queue.  At that point, you should be able to regenerate the patch against
| the latest CVS.

If you're already that far along, then I guess the sensible thing for
you to do is proceed as is, then announce here when there's a new
version, and I'll generate a new patch from that.  Alright?


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