setup.exe sucks

Reini Urban
Wed Dec 8 17:00:00 GMT 2004

Christopher Faylor schrieb:
> On Wed, Dec 08, 2004 at 02:52:30PM +0100, Reini Urban wrote:
>>BTW: There is new Conectiva packager, which should be the best,
>>and builds out of the box.
>>Requires python.
>>Works with .rpm, .deb and pkgtool files and
>>up2date- and Conectiva-style mirror description formats.
> Yes, I saw that.  I didn't know that it built OOTB on cygwin.
> Interesting.
>>I don't like python that much, but I try how to convert our format
>>easily into rpm or deb and how hard it would be to add a wxpython
>>interface.  gtk already exists.
> Converting the tar.bz2 files to rpm files would not be that hard.  It
> should be automatable.  I'm willing to do that work.
> I'm not as concerned about the package management as I am about the
> UI, actually.  If we don't have a good UI for initial install, then
> the initial user experience is still going to be painful.

And since there will be no linux UI packager which will work on 
Win32-Native also (unless some wxwindows or tk UI appears) someone will 
have to bite into the dust and add a win32 native lib to such an UI.
Most just use gtk nowadays.

Smart seems to be the best so far. But maybe it's too early. Released 
two days ago :)
Reini Urban

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