Seeking initial reactions: Moving setup from CVS to

Max Bowsher
Mon Aug 23 15:30:00 GMT 2004

Robert Collins wrote:
> On Fri, 2004-08-20 at 22:21 +0100, Max Bowsher wrote:
>> Subversion is not a pre-condition for my work on setup - just something 
>> that
>> would be extremely useful. I'm sure you can understand why contemplating
>> moving lots of source files into subdirectories, whilst using cvs, does
>> *not* fill me with joy. I guess it's time for me to look into the
>> scripted-munging-of-RCS-files solution.
> Whats wrong with:
> cvs del old-file
> cvs add new-file
> ??
> I'm asking this seriously - yes blame is cute, but its really not
> essential.

I'm more concerned about log, than blame, though blame is also useful.

Neither are essential, but then neither is cvs: we could use a load of 
snapshotted tarballs - but it wouldn't be very nice.

Anyway (and this is in reply to Benjamin Riefenstahl/Reini Urban subthread 
too), I think the best thing to do is this:

1. Force a no-op commit recording the move.
2. Copy the ,v file.
3. Set the state of this last revision to dead in the copy source.
4. Set the state of all but the last revision to dead in the copy target.
5. Store some easily parseable note in both ,v files  - so that a proper 
move can be substituted, should conversion to a bette version control system 
ever happen.

This keeps the history as accessible as possible, whilst still causing 
checkouts of the past to be exactly correct.


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