Attn: openldap maintainer

Max Bowsher
Thu Aug 19 10:17:00 GMT 2004

Dr. Volker Zell wrote:
>>>>>> Max Bowsher writes:
>    > Please rename your libopenldap2-2-15 package to libopenldap2_2_15
>    > The dashes followed by digits in the name are making setup.exe
>    > confused about which part is the package name and which part is the
>    > version number.
> Thanks for the catch.
> I would like to discuss the best way to name the versioned library.
> ol_package=OpenLDAP
> The package version of OpenLDAP is
> ol_major=2
> ol_minor=2
> ol_patch=15
> and the API versions are:
> ol_api_inc=20215
> ol_api_current=7
> ol_api_revision=8
> ol_api_age=0
> The generated names for the OpenLDAP shared libraries right now look
> like cygXXX-2-2-7.dll
> So how should I name my libopenldapXXX package ?

libopenldap2_2_7 , IMO.

Base the package name on the DLL name, since if the dll name changes, linked 
applications will break (so a new package will be needed) and if the dll 
name doesn't change, then you won't be able to make a concurrently 
installable package anyway.


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