Maintainers/Packages List

Daniel Reed
Tue Oct 28 17:00:00 GMT 2003

On 2003-10-28T02:13-0500, Igor Pechtchanski wrote:
) On Mon, 27 Oct 2003, Daniel Reed wrote:
) > So, here is what I have now. Feel free to point out problems and
) > inaccuracies. I have it scripted to mail out a copy on the first of every
) > month after this copy. If you only want to check the packages under your
) > name, search for "Maintainers' Package List" in your mail client to skip the
) > first list.
) You're missing "cocom".

Okay, I went through all of the directories and added in anything that
appeared to be missing.

+ cocom                   Igor Pechtchanski
+ db4.1                   Gerrit P. Haase
+   libdb4.1              Gerrit P. Haase
+   libdb4.1-devel        Gerrit P. Haase
+ editrights              Chris Rodgers
+ gmp                     Lapo Luchini
+ libxerces-c21           Abe Backus
+ libxerces-c22           Abe Backus
+ transfig                Harold L Hunt II
+ xfig-base               Harold L Hunt II
+ xfig-bin                Harold L Hunt II
+ xfig-doc                Harold L Hunt II
+ xfig-etc                Harold L Hunt II
+ xfig-lib                Harold L Hunt II
+ xfig-man                Harold L Hunt II
+ xgraph                  Harold L Hunt II

I changed libxml2 and libxslt to Gerrit P. Haase; and changed m4, man, and
time to Christopher Faylor.

Daniel Reed <>
I don't like sending my conversation hundreds of miles where a lot
of people can read it o_0 even if I am just talking about cheese. --
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