mknetrel: avoid requiring (fake)root permission

Christopher Faylor
Sun Mar 16 18:36:00 GMT 2003

On Sun, Mar 16, 2003 at 01:52:56PM +0100, Jan Nieuwenhuizen wrote:
>I got a bugreport about ownership in the tetex package (it seems that
>people are actionally starting to use different users in Windows :-)
>but after fixing it I found a (different) fix already in CVS.
>Is there a reason for mknetrel to require (fake)root permissions?

Yes.  Some packages don't work correctly unless they are installing
from root.

If you don't want to use the chown, then override sudo and chown with
a no-op function.

I'll check in something which makes sudo and chown a no-op.


>2003-03-16  Jan Nieuwenhuizen  <>
>	* bin/mknetrel.cvs (domkdist): Fix permissions using tar
>	options (Was: require [fake]root permissions).
>--- mknetrel	8 Jan 2003 01:35:03 -0000	1.43
>+++ mknetrel	16 Mar 2003 12:18:10 -0000
>@@ -363,11 +363,10 @@
>     # Fix up installation slightly
>     #
>     cd $inst || exit 1
>-    chmod -R u+w,og-w .
>+    chmod -R u+w,a+rX .
>     cd usr 2>/dev/null && dousrstuff
>     cd $inst || exit 1
>-    chown -R 0.0 . || .
>     prepackage
>     cd $inst || exit 1
>@@ -379,12 +378,12 @@
>     # Make tar balls
>     #
>     echo creating $tarstem.tar.bz2
>-    find * -print | sort | tar -T - --no-recursion -cjf $tarstem.tar.bz2
>+    find * -print | sort | tar -T - --no-recursion --owner=0 --group=0 -cjf $tarstem.tar.bz2
>     cd $src/.. || exit 1
>     echo creating "$tarstem"-src.tar.bz2
>-    ls -d $package_src/* | egrep -v '\.cvsignore|\.bak$|\.orig$|\.o$|~$|^.#|CVS|%redact|/tags$' | egrep -v "$src_exclude" | tar -T - --no-recursion -chf "$tarstem"-src.tar 
>-    find $package_src/* -print -follow | egrep -v "^$package_src/[^/]*$" | egrep -v '\.cvsignore|\.bak$|\.orig$|\.o$|~$|^.#|CVS|%redact|/tags$' | egrep -v "$src_exclude" | sort | tee /tmp/huh | tar -T - --no-recursion -rf "$tarstem"-src.tar
>+    ls -d $package_src/* | egrep -v '\.cvsignore|\.bak$|\.orig$|\.o$|~$|^.#|CVS|%redact|/tags$' | egrep -v "$src_exclude" | tar -T - --no-recursion --owner=0 --group=0 -chf "$tarstem"-src.tar 
>+    find $package_src/* -print -follow | egrep -v "^$package_src/[^/]*$" | egrep -v '\.cvsignore|\.bak$|\.orig$|\.o$|~$|^.#|CVS|%redact|/tags$' | egrep -v "$src_exclude" | sort | tee /tmp/huh | tar -T - --no-recursion --owner=0 --group=0 -rf "$tarstem"-src.tar
>     bzip2 -f "$tarstem"-src.tar
>     postpackage
> }
>Jan Nieuwenhuizen <> | GNU LilyPond - The music typesetter
>       |

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