[setup PATCH] SetDlgItemFont

Andrew M. Inggs aminggs@yahoo.co.uk
Thu Jul 31 14:59:00 GMT 2003

Max Bowsher wrote:

> +2003-07-31  Gary R. Van Sickle  <g.r.vansickle=XfrvlLN1Pqtfpb/ySbbPhw@public.gmane.org>
> +
> + Changes modified by Max Bowsher  <maxb=B2Gdhv0Jo/g@public.gmane.org>
> + * splash.cc (Copyright): Update copyright dates.
> + (SplashPage::OnInit): Remove call to SetDlgItemFont().  Now handled in
> + base class.

Could you include the ChangeLog on its own rather than using a 
diff-generated version?

Is it just the way my email client is displaying tabs, or are tabs being 
converted into single spaces somewhere along the way?

> Index: proppage.cc
> - // Set header title font of each internal page to MS Sans Serif, Bold, 8
> Pt.
> - // This will just silently fail on the first and last pages.
> - SetDlgItemFont(IDC_STATIC_HEADER_TITLE, "MS Sans Serif", 8, FW_BOLD);
> + // These font settings will just silently fail when the resource id
> + // is not present on a page.
> + // Set header title font of each internal page
> + SetDlgItemFont(IDC_STATIC_HEADER_TITLE, "MS Shell Dlg", 8, FW_BOLD);
> + // Set the font for the IDC_STATIC_WELCOME_TITLE
> + SetDlgItemFont(IDC_STATIC_WELCOME_TITLE, "Ariel", 12, FW_BOLD);

Shouldn't that be Arial rather than Ariel?

-- Andrew

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