Setup command-line interface

Gary R. Van Sickle
Thu Jan 9 06:25:00 GMT 2003

I'm a changelog away from finally submitting my variable-size page patch (so
give me a few months ;-)), but I just thought I'd bring up an overall design
issue.  It looks like someone's added some infrastructure for the command-line
interface to the GUI interface code (eg WM_APP_UNATTENDED_FINISH).  I submit
that we very much do *not* want to go that way long-term; we should continue to
disentangle the setup business logic from the setup UI as I've tried to do at
least to some extent with the GUI.  To wit, some crappy ASCII art:

---------    ----------------------------
|  GUI  |    |  Command-line interface  |
---------    ----------------------------
    |                      |
    |                      |
  |  Setup Library (no UI)  |
  |  File system, inet, etc |

(Pfhht, Visio Schmisio)

Now I know currently the UI and what I'm calling the "Setup Library" are pretty
intertwined, but this is not incurable.  What I'm afraid of here is "creeping
inelegance": entangling another interface into the existing interface which is
already too tightly coupled to... you get the idea.


Gary R. Van Sickle
Brewer.  Patriot.

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