What does wrap mean?

Robert Collins rbcollins@cygwin.com
Sun Apr 6 10:40:00 GMT 2003

On Sun, 2003-04-06 at 20:27, Max Bowsher wrote:
> Robert Collins wrote:

> > As a data point: it does wrap though - as it inherits from RECT.
> Must... not... start... discussion... of... semantics... of... the...
> word... "wrap"!
> :-)

From m-w.com:

Main Entry: wrap·per [image]
Pronunciation: 'ra-p&r
Function: noun
Date: 15th century
1 : that in which something is wrapped : as a : a tobacco leaf used for
the outside covering especially of cigars b (1) : JACKET 3c(1) (2) : the
paper cover of a book not bound in boards c : a paper wrapped around a
newspaper or magazine in the mail
2 : one that wraps
3 : an article of clothing worn wrapped around the body

1, 2 or 3 are all reasonable analogies for the RECTPP class.

again, m-w.com:
Main Entry: 1wrap [image]
Pronunciation: 'rap
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): wrapped; wrap·ping
Etymology: Middle English wrappen
Date: 14th century
transitive senses
1 a : to cover especially by winding or folding b : to envelop and
secure for transportation or storage : BUNDLE c : ENFOLD, EMBRACE d : to
coil, fold, draw, or twine (as string or cloth) around something
2 a : SURROUND, ENVELOP b : to suffuse or surround with an aura or state
<the affair was wrapped in scandal> c : to involve completely : ENGROSS
-- usually used with up
3 : to conceal or obscure as if by enveloping
4 : to enclose as if with a protective covering
5 : to finish filming or videotaping <wrap a movie>
intransitive senses
1 : to wind, coil, or twine so as to encircle or cover something
2 : to put on clothing : DRESS -- usually used with up
3 : to be subject to covering, enclosing, or packaging -- usually used
with up
4 : to come to completion in filming or videotaping

1,3,4 are all good analogies here.

The user sees the wrapper, not the contents. The contents aren't changed

FWIW :}.

GPG key available at: <http://users.bigpond.net.au/robertc/keys.txt>.
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