
Pierre A. Humblet Pierre.Humblet@ieee.org
Tue Sep 10 07:10:00 GMT 2002

Christopher Faylor wrote:

> Sorry.  I didn't realize that this was a test version.  I don't see
> any reason to release a completely new package as a test version but
> then I guess I'm on record with that opinion.

http://cygwin.com/setup.html gives a perfectly reasonable explanation:
"Opinion on whether to mark your initial version as a Test version is 
currently mixed. If you have doubts about the stability of your initial
offering you may decide to mark it as Test. Then, once the package has 
no major bug reports from users, a current package may be introduced."

I knew I would be often unreachable in the days following the test 
release. Now I can better support support whatever comes up.


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