rebase for setup.

Jason Tishler
Wed Jan 16 13:35:00 GMT 2002


On Fri, Jan 04, 2002 at 12:21:11AM +1100, Robert Collins wrote:
> From: "Jason Tishler" <>
> > 1. Determine why cygcurl-2.dll and possibly other DLLs do not tolerate
> > rebasing.
> Hmm. Yes. Did you rebase .dll's after stripping them? And what strip
> options where used?

After some more rebase runs, I believe that I have determined that
stripping is the problem:

    $ strip -o pq-all.dll pq.dll 
    $ strip -g -o pq-debug.dll pq.dll 
    $ strip --strip-unneeded -o pq-unneeded.dll pq.dll

    $ file pq*dll
    pq-all.dll:      MS Windows PE Intel 80386 console DLL
    pq-debug.dll:    MS Windows PE Intel 80386 console DLL
    pq-unneeded.dll: MS Windows PE Intel 80386 console DLL
    pq.dll:          MS Windows PE Intel 80386 console DLL

    $ rebase -b 0x68000000 pq*dll
    pq-all.dll: new base = 68000000, new size = 20000
    pq-debug.dll: new base = 68000000, new size = 20000
    pq-unneeded.dll: new base = 68000000, new size = 20000
    pq.dll: new base = 68000000, new size = 20000

    $ file pq*dll
    pq-all.dll:      MS-DOS executable (EXE), OS/2 or MS Windows
    pq-debug.dll:    MS-DOS executable (EXE), OS/2 or MS Windows
    pq-unneeded.dll: MS-DOS executable (EXE), OS/2 or MS Windows
    pq.dll:          MS Windows PE Intel 80386 console DLL

    $ objdump -p pq*dll | fgrep ImageBase
    objdump: pq-all.dll: File format not recognized
    objdump: pq-debug.dll: File format not recognized
    objdump: pq-unneeded.dll: File format not recognized
    ImageBase               68000000

I got the same results for curl too.

Any ideas why stripping prevents some DLLs from being rebased and
not others?  Any solutions besides not stripping?


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