ITP: netpbm

Charles Wilson
Fri Apr 26 13:20:00 GMT 2002

Earnie Boyd wrote:

> So, I would like to see /usr/netpbm/bin.

But I don't want to go all-out on the "separate package tree" idea.


   /usr/bin/netpbm/  << the only special case

XFree86 has a long history of a fully separate tree, and autoconf macros 
and suchlike have dealt with it for a long time.  OTOH, netpbm has no 
such history (e.g. where to look for pbm.h?  where to look for 
libpgm.a?) so development files should go in the "normal" place.  But 
everything in the "normal" place under /usr/[lib,include,man], except 
for binaries in /usr/netpbm/bin/ ?  That just offends my sense of 

Besides, we already have a history of /usr/bin/*/ that predates any of 
the mandates on : ncurses-test-dll/ etc.


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