RFP (request for package) GNU indent

Gerrit P. Haase gp@familiehaase.de
Tue Nov 6 04:19:00 GMT 2001

Hallo Gareth, Robert,

Am 2001-11-15 um 01:03 schriebst du:

>>> If you both are, flip a coin or something. I really don't care who is
>>> the maintainer. Discuss it privately. Get back to the list with an
>>> answer.
>>> Until then I'm not going to waste time looking at either set of
>>> tarballs.
>> Oki doki, Robert has spoken;)
> indeed he has
> But your job looks better done, and if your willing to maintain it then I
> would say go for it ... I will get to work packaging up nano - which
> ofcourse was my original aim.

O.k. Robert would you please fetch my indent package for review/lint?

I just looked at this minute, they are still up here:

I included the html doko in the dist pack and applied one patch from the
debian people, I deleted the dir file and wrote a postinstall script to
generate a new /usr/info/dir file.
There is a setup.hint file as well as the patch for review.


Gerrit P. Haase                            mailto:gp@familiehaase.de

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