those nonintuitive cygdrives... (Was: Making RXVT The Standard Terminal)

egor duda
Fri Mar 30 09:53:00 GMT 2001


Friday, 30 March, 2001 Dan Kaminsky wrote:

DK> Ideally, the setup program itself would give the user the choice.  This is a
DK> *core need* for Cygwin to address; it's explicitly non-obvious how to access
DK> resources outside the Cygwin psuedosandbox.

this need can be easily satisfied with this simple .bat file.

================ create_cygdrives.bat ===============

for /f %%x in ('cygpath -w /') do set cygwin_root=%%x
mkdir %cygwin_root%\cygdrive
for %%x in (a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z) do mkdir %cygwin_root%\cygdrive\%%x


it's in public domain ;-) so you can run it on your system, or
distribute it under any terms you want, or add it to setup.exe, or
do with it anything you like.

gosh, i'd like to see the day when all problems with cygwin will be
like this one...

Egor.   ICQ 5165414 FidoNet 2:5020/496.19

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