Problem with perl -i option

Gerrit P. Haase
Mon Aug 20 01:37:00 GMT 2001

Christopher Faylor schrieb am 2001-08-15, 10:36:

>Unfortunately, our perl maintainer has gone silent.
>Is anyone here willing to pick up the perl maintainership?

I'm trying to build perl 5.6.1 according to the instructions from
Eric's README, but i got problems with 'Term::ReadKey' from the CPAN
Term::ReadKey is using TERMIOS, as opposed to TERMIO or SGTTY.

Non-blocking reads possible via O_NODELAY, and select().
O_NODELAY will be used. select() will be used for timed reads.
Can't exec "resize": No such file or directory at blib/lib/Term/ line 305.
Use of uninitialized value in pattern match (m//) at blib/lib/Term/ line 306.
Use of uninitialized value in pattern match (m//) at blib/lib/Term/ line 306.
Unable to get Terminal Size. The TIOCGWINSZ ioctl didn't work. The COLUMNS and LINES envir
onment variables didn't work. The resize program didn't work. at blib/lib/Term/
line 323.
make: *** [test_dynamic] Error 2

Don't remember how to solve this...
Perl 5.6.1 up to patchlevel 11599 built fine beside this error.
Also the other modules are o.k.
I tried in rxvt-terminalemulation and also in standard terminal (cmd).
Next i try to build with ntsec setting, maybe it works then.

I finished one complete build yesterday (with add. modules), but that was
with libiconv and libcygipc and libdb.



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