[calm - Cygwin server-side packaging maintenance script] branch master, updated. 20181020-6-gf119196

jturney@sourceware.org jturney@sourceware.org
Fri Mar 15 17:25:00 GMT 2019


commit f119196ce2b61a1cedec15dba83d49b022bfe639
Author: Jon Turney <jon.turney@dronecode.org.uk>
Date:   Thu Mar 14 20:16:25 2019 +0000

    Fix some over-indentation reported by latest pycodestyle


commit 9961193ebad96cb0a454e2095aef4ad87250e241
Author: Jon Turney <jon.turney@dronecode.org.uk>
Date:   Thu Mar 14 19:52:05 2019 +0000

    Be a bit more verbose to IRC about starting and stopping requested work


commit 8febef34efba3b6b1312d490e3bb031b1c15b567
Author: Jon Turney <jon.turney@dronecode.org.uk>
Date:   Thu Oct 25 15:32:46 2018 +0100

    Fix some issues reported by lgtm.com analysis


commit f4a2d0c6435a90ab9d647da69518bbb43ec09287
Author: Jon Turney <jon.turney@dronecode.org.uk>
Date:   Thu Oct 25 15:26:52 2018 +0100

    Don't warn about non-maintainer upload attempts on every run
    Don't warn about non-maintainer package upload attempts on every run, only
    when something is ready to move

 calm/calm.py           |  291 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 calm/compare-arches    |    1 -
 calm/hint-migrate.py   |    1 -
 calm/mkgitoliteconf.py |    4 +-
 calm/spelling.py       |    8 +-
 calm/uploads.py        |   41 ++++---
 6 files changed, 182 insertions(+), 164 deletions(-)

diff --git a/calm/calm.py b/calm/calm.py
index fa89a0a..b5eeaca 100755
--- a/calm/calm.py
+++ b/calm/calm.py
@@ -90,37 +90,37 @@ class CalmState(object):
 def process_relarea(args):
-        packages = {}
-        error = False
+    packages = {}
+    error = False
-        # for each arch
-        for arch in common_constants.ARCHES:
-            logging.debug("reading existing packages for arch %s" % (arch))
+    # for each arch
+    for arch in common_constants.ARCHES:
+        logging.debug("reading existing packages for arch %s" % (arch))
-            # build package list
-            packages[arch] = package.read_packages(args.rel_area, arch)
+        # build package list
+        packages[arch] = package.read_packages(args.rel_area, arch)
-            # validate the package set
-            if not package.validate_packages(args, packages[arch]):
-                logging.error("existing %s package set has errors" % (arch))
-                error = True
+        # validate the package set
+        if not package.validate_packages(args, packages[arch]):
+            logging.error("existing %s package set has errors" % (arch))
+            error = True
-        if error:
-            return None
+    if error:
+        return None
-        # packages can be stale due to changes made directly in the release
-        # area, so first check here if there are any stale packages to vault
-        if args.stale:
-            stale_to_vault = remove_stale_packages(args, packages)
-            if stale_to_vault:
-                for arch in common_constants.ARCHES + ['noarch', 'src']:
-                    logging.info("vaulting %d old package(s) for arch %s" % (len(stale_to_vault[arch]), arch))
-                    uploads.move_to_vault(args, stale_to_vault[arch])
-            else:
-                logging.error("error while evaluating stale packages")
-                return None
+    # packages can be stale due to changes made directly in the release
+    # area, so first check here if there are any stale packages to vault
+    if args.stale:
+        stale_to_vault = remove_stale_packages(args, packages)
+        if stale_to_vault:
+            for arch in common_constants.ARCHES + ['noarch', 'src']:
+                logging.info("vaulting %d old package(s) for arch %s" % (len(stale_to_vault[arch]), arch))
+                uploads.move_to_vault(args, stale_to_vault[arch])
+        else:
+            logging.error("error while evaluating stale packages")
+            return None
-        return packages
+    return packages
@@ -128,138 +128,138 @@ def process_relarea(args):
 def process_uploads(args, state):
-        # read maintainer list
-        mlist = maintainers.Maintainer.read(args)
-        # make the list of all packages
-        all_packages = maintainers.Maintainer.all_packages(mlist)
+    # read maintainer list
+    mlist = maintainers.Maintainer.read(args)
-        # for each maintainer
-        for name in sorted(mlist.keys()):
-            m = mlist[name]
+    # make the list of all packages
+    all_packages = maintainers.Maintainer.all_packages(mlist)
-            # also send a mail to each maintainer about their packages
-            with mail_logs(args.email, toaddrs=m.email, subject='%s for %s' % (state.subject, name), thresholdLevel=logging.INFO) as maint_email:
+    # for each maintainer
+    for name in sorted(mlist.keys()):
+        m = mlist[name]
-                # for each arch and noarch
-                scan_result = {}
-                skip_maintainer = False
-                for arch in common_constants.ARCHES + ['noarch', 'src']:
-                    logging.debug("reading uploaded arch %s packages from maintainer %s" % (arch, name))
-                    # read uploads
-                    scan_result[arch] = uploads.scan(m, all_packages, arch, args)
+        # also send a mail to each maintainer about their packages
+        with mail_logs(args.email, toaddrs=m.email, subject='%s for %s' % (state.subject, name), thresholdLevel=logging.INFO) as maint_email:
-                    # remove triggers
-                    uploads.remove(args, scan_result[arch].remove_always)
+            # for each arch and noarch
+            scan_result = {}
+            skip_maintainer = False
+            for arch in common_constants.ARCHES + ['noarch', 'src']:
+                logging.debug("reading uploaded arch %s packages from maintainer %s" % (arch, name))
-                    if scan_result[arch].error:
-                        logging.error("error while reading uploaded arch %s packages from maintainer %s" % (arch, name))
-                        skip_maintainer = True
-                        continue
+                # read uploads
+                scan_result[arch] = uploads.scan(m, all_packages, arch, args)
-                    # queue for source package validator
-                    queue.add(args, scan_result[arch].to_relarea, os.path.join(m.homedir()))
+                # remove triggers
+                uploads.remove(args, scan_result[arch].remove_always)
-                # if there are no uploaded or removed packages for this
-                # maintainer, we don't have anything to do
-                if not any([scan_result[a].packages or scan_result[a].to_vault for a in scan_result]):
-                    logging.debug("nothing to do for maintainer %s" % (name))
+                if scan_result[arch].error:
+                    logging.error("error while reading uploaded arch %s packages from maintainer %s" % (arch, name))
                     skip_maintainer = True
-                if skip_maintainer:
-                # for each arch
-                merged_packages = {}
-                valid = True
-                for arch in common_constants.ARCHES:
-                    logging.debug("merging %s package set with uploads from maintainer %s" % (arch, name))
-                    # merge package sets
-                    merged_packages[arch] = package.merge(state.packages[arch], scan_result[arch].packages, scan_result['noarch'].packages, scan_result['src'].packages)
-                    if not merged_packages[arch]:
-                        logging.error("error while merging uploaded %s packages for %s" % (arch, name))
-                        valid = False
-                        break
-                    # remove files which are to be removed
-                    for p in scan_result[arch].to_vault:
-                        for f in scan_result[arch].to_vault[p]:
-                            package.delete(merged_packages[arch], p, f)
-                    # validate the package set
-                    logging.debug("validating merged %s package set for maintainer %s" % (arch, name))
-                    if not package.validate_packages(args, merged_packages[arch]):
-                        logging.error("error while validating merged %s packages for %s" % (arch, name))
-                        valid = False
+                # queue for source package validator
+                queue.add(args, scan_result[arch].to_relarea, os.path.join(m.homedir()))
+            # if there are no uploaded or removed packages for this
+            # maintainer, we don't have anything to do
+            if not any([scan_result[a].packages or scan_result[a].to_vault for a in scan_result]):
+                logging.debug("nothing to do for maintainer %s" % (name))
+                skip_maintainer = True
+            if skip_maintainer:
+                continue
+            # for each arch
+            merged_packages = {}
+            valid = True
+            for arch in common_constants.ARCHES:
+                logging.debug("merging %s package set with uploads from maintainer %s" % (arch, name))
+                # merge package sets
+                merged_packages[arch] = package.merge(state.packages[arch], scan_result[arch].packages, scan_result['noarch'].packages, scan_result['src'].packages)
+                if not merged_packages[arch]:
+                    logging.error("error while merging uploaded %s packages for %s" % (arch, name))
+                    valid = False
+                    break
+                # remove files which are to be removed
+                for p in scan_result[arch].to_vault:
+                    for f in scan_result[arch].to_vault[p]:
+                        package.delete(merged_packages[arch], p, f)
+                # validate the package set
+                logging.debug("validating merged %s package set for maintainer %s" % (arch, name))
+                if not package.validate_packages(args, merged_packages[arch]):
+                    logging.error("error while validating merged %s packages for %s" % (arch, name))
+                    valid = False
+            # if an error occurred ...
+            if not valid:
+                # ... discard move list and merged_packages
+                continue
+            # check for packages which are stale as a result of this upload,
+            # which we will want in the same report
+            if args.stale:
+                stale_to_vault = remove_stale_packages(args, merged_packages)
                 # if an error occurred ...
-                if not valid:
+                if not stale_to_vault:
                     # ... discard move list and merged_packages
+                    logging.error("error while evaluating stale packages for %s" % (name))
-                # check for packages which are stale as a result of this upload,
-                # which we will want in the same report
+            # check for conflicting movelists
+            conflicts = False
+            for arch in common_constants.ARCHES + ['noarch', 'src']:
+                conflicts = conflicts or report_movelist_conflicts(scan_result[arch].to_relarea, scan_result[arch].to_vault, "manually")
                 if args.stale:
-                    stale_to_vault = remove_stale_packages(args, merged_packages)
-                    # if an error occurred ...
-                    if not stale_to_vault:
-                        # ... discard move list and merged_packages
-                        logging.error("error while evaluating stale packages for %s" % (name))
-                        continue
-                # check for conflicting movelists
-                conflicts = False
+                    conflicts = conflicts or report_movelist_conflicts(scan_result[arch].to_relarea, stale_to_vault[arch], "automatically")
+            # if an error occurred ...
+            if conflicts:
+                # ... discard move list and merged_packages
+                logging.error("error while validating movelists for %s" % (name))
+                continue
+            # for each arch and noarch
+            for arch in common_constants.ARCHES + ['noarch', 'src']:
+                logging.debug("moving %s packages for maintainer %s" % (arch, name))
+                # process the move lists
+                if scan_result[arch].to_vault:
+                    logging.info("vaulting %d package(s) for arch %s, by request" % (len(scan_result[arch].to_vault), arch))
+                uploads.move_to_vault(args, scan_result[arch].to_vault)
+                uploads.remove(args, scan_result[arch].remove_success)
+                if scan_result[arch].to_relarea:
+                    logging.info("adding %d package(s) for arch %s" % (len(scan_result[arch].to_relarea), arch))
+                uploads.move_to_relarea(m, args, scan_result[arch].to_relarea)
+            # for each arch
+            if args.stale:
                 for arch in common_constants.ARCHES + ['noarch', 'src']:
-                    conflicts = conflicts or report_movelist_conflicts(scan_result[arch].to_relarea, scan_result[arch].to_vault, "manually")
-                    if args.stale:
-                        conflicts = conflicts or report_movelist_conflicts(scan_result[arch].to_relarea, stale_to_vault[arch], "automatically")
+                    if stale_to_vault[arch]:
+                        logging.info("vaulting %d old package(s) for arch %s" % (len(stale_to_vault[arch]), arch))
+                        uploads.move_to_vault(args, stale_to_vault[arch])
+            # for each arch
+            for arch in common_constants.ARCHES:
+                # use merged package list
+                state.packages[arch] = merged_packages[arch]
+            # report what we've done
+            added = []
+            for arch in common_constants.ARCHES + ['noarch', 'src']:
+                added.append('%d (%s)' % (len(scan_result[arch].packages), arch))
+            msg = "added %s packages from maintainer %s" % (' + '.join(added), name)
+            logging.debug(msg)
+            irk.irk("calm %s" % msg)
+    # record updated reminder times for maintainers
+    maintainers.Maintainer.update_reminder_times(mlist)
-                # if an error occurred ...
-                if conflicts:
-                    # ... discard move list and merged_packages
-                    logging.error("error while validating movelists for %s" % (name))
-                    continue
-                # for each arch and noarch
-                for arch in common_constants.ARCHES + ['noarch', 'src']:
-                    logging.debug("moving %s packages for maintainer %s" % (arch, name))
-                    # process the move lists
-                    if scan_result[arch].to_vault:
-                        logging.info("vaulting %d package(s) for arch %s, by request" % (len(scan_result[arch].to_vault), arch))
-                    uploads.move_to_vault(args, scan_result[arch].to_vault)
-                    uploads.remove(args, scan_result[arch].remove_success)
-                    if scan_result[arch].to_relarea:
-                        logging.info("adding %d package(s) for arch %s" % (len(scan_result[arch].to_relarea), arch))
-                    uploads.move_to_relarea(m, args, scan_result[arch].to_relarea)
-                # for each arch
-                if args.stale:
-                    for arch in common_constants.ARCHES + ['noarch', 'src']:
-                        if stale_to_vault[arch]:
-                            logging.info("vaulting %d old package(s) for arch %s" % (len(stale_to_vault[arch]), arch))
-                            uploads.move_to_vault(args, stale_to_vault[arch])
-                # for each arch
-                for arch in common_constants.ARCHES:
-                    # use merged package list
-                    state.packages[arch] = merged_packages[arch]
-                # report what we've done
-                added = []
-                for arch in common_constants.ARCHES + ['noarch', 'src']:
-                    added.append('%d (%s)' % (len(scan_result[arch].packages), arch))
-                msg = "added %s packages from maintainer %s" % (' + '.join(added), name)
-                logging.debug(msg)
-                irk.irk(msg)
-        # record updated reminder times for maintainers
-        maintainers.Maintainer.update_reminder_times(mlist)
-        return state.packages
+    return state.packages
@@ -428,6 +428,7 @@ def do_output(args, state):
                     # replace setup.ini
                     logging.info("moving %s to %s" % (tmpfile.name, inifile))
                     shutil.move(tmpfile.name, inifile)
+                    irk.irk("calm updated setup.ini for arch '%s'" % (arch))
                     # compress and re-sign
                     for ext in ['.ini', '.bz2', '.xz']:
@@ -470,20 +471,27 @@ def do_daemon(args, state):
     running = True
     read_relarea = True
     read_uploads = True
+    last_signal = None
     # signals! the first, and best, interprocess communications mechanism! :)
     def sigusr1(signum, frame):
+        nonlocal last_signal
+        last_signal = signum
         nonlocal read_uploads
         read_uploads = True
     def sigusr2(signum, frame):
+        nonlocal last_signal
+        last_signal = signum
         nonlocal read_relarea
         read_relarea = True
     def sigalrm(signum, frame):
+        nonlocal last_signal
+        last_signal = signum
         nonlocal read_relarea
         read_relarea = True
         nonlocal read_uploads
@@ -513,6 +521,8 @@ def do_daemon(args, state):
                 with mail_logs(args.email, toaddrs=args.email, subject='%s' % (state.subject), thresholdLevel=logging.ERROR) as leads_email:
                     # re-read relarea on SIGALRM or SIGUSR2
                     if read_relarea:
+                        if last_signal != signal.SIGALRM:
+                            irk.irk("calm processing release area")
                         read_relarea = False
                         state.packages = process_relarea(args)
@@ -520,6 +530,7 @@ def do_daemon(args, state):
                         logging.error("not processing uploads or writing setup.ini")
                         if read_uploads:
+                            irk.irk("calm processing uploads")
                             # read uploads on SIGUSR1
                             read_uploads = False
                             state.packages = process_uploads(args, state)
@@ -544,6 +555,8 @@ def do_daemon(args, state):
                 # wait until interrupted by a signal
+                if last_signal != signal.SIGALRM:
+                    irk.irk("calm processing done")
                 logging.info("sleeping for %d seconds" % (delay))
diff --git a/calm/compare-arches b/calm/compare-arches
index f5ffe76..feb31be 100755
--- a/calm/compare-arches
+++ b/calm/compare-arches
@@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ import sys
 import common_constants
 import maintainers
 import package
-import uploads
diff --git a/calm/hint-migrate.py b/calm/hint-migrate.py
index 858e68b..d4c166e 100644
--- a/calm/hint-migrate.py
+++ b/calm/hint-migrate.py
@@ -43,7 +43,6 @@ def hint_migrate(args):
         basedir = os.path.join(args.rel_area, arch, 'release')
         for (dirpath, subdirs, files) in os.walk(basedir):
-            relpath = os.path.relpath(dirpath, basedir)
             if 'setup.hint' not in files:
diff --git a/calm/mkgitoliteconf.py b/calm/mkgitoliteconf.py
index 42508b1..f5560af 100755
--- a/calm/mkgitoliteconf.py
+++ b/calm/mkgitoliteconf.py
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ def do_main(args):
     mlist = maintainers.Maintainer.add_packages(mlist, args.pkglist, getattr(args, 'orphanmaint', None))
     # make the list of all packages
-    all_packages = maintainers.Maintainer.all_packages(mlist)
+    maintainers.Maintainer.all_packages(mlist)
     # invert to a per-package list of maintainers
     pkgs = defaultdict(list)
@@ -95,6 +95,8 @@ def main():
+    return 0
diff --git a/calm/spelling.py b/calm/spelling.py
index 793edd1..d3d53f4 100644
--- a/calm/spelling.py
+++ b/calm/spelling.py
@@ -105,10 +105,10 @@ def spellcheck_hints(args, packages):
             for w1 in [w, re.sub(r'^lib', '', w)]:
                 # add the package name unless it exists in the list above, which
                 # will give a canonical capitalization
-                if w.lower() not in wordlist:
-                    spelldict.add(w.lower())
-                    spelldict.add(w)
-                    spelldict.add(w.capitalize())
+                if wl.lower() not in wordlist:
+                    spelldict.add(wl.lower())
+                    spelldict.add(wl)
+                    spelldict.add(wl.capitalize())
     # for each package
     for p in sorted(packages.keys()):
diff --git a/calm/uploads.py b/calm/uploads.py
index 0861388..1d8c1bf 100644
--- a/calm/uploads.py
+++ b/calm/uploads.py
@@ -107,6 +107,29 @@ def scan(m, all_packages, arch, args):
+        # only process files newer than !ready
+        for f in sorted(files):
+            fn = os.path.join(dirpath, f)
+            file_mtime = os.path.getmtime(fn)
+            if file_mtime > mtime:
+                if mtime == 0:
+                    m.reminders_timestamp_checked = True
+                    logging.debug("ignoring %s as there is no !ready" % fn)
+                    ignored += 1
+                    # don't warn until file is at least REMINDER_GRACE old
+                    if (file_mtime < (time.time() - REMINDER_GRACE)):
+                        if not args.dryrun:
+                            m.reminders_issued = True
+                else:
+                    logging.warning("ignoring %s as it is newer than !ready" % fn)
+                files.remove(f)
+        # any file remaining?
+        if not files:
+            continue
         # package doesn't appear in package list at all
         if not package.is_in_package_list(relpath, all_packages):
             logging.error("package '%s' is not in the package list" % dirpath)
@@ -166,24 +189,6 @@ def scan(m, all_packages, arch, args):
-            # only process files newer than !ready
-            file_mtime = os.path.getmtime(fn)
-            if file_mtime > mtime:
-                if mtime == 0:
-                    m.reminders_timestamp_checked = True
-                    logging.debug("ignoring %s as there is no !ready" % fn)
-                    ignored += 1
-                    # don't warn until file is at least REMINDER_GRACE old
-                    if (file_mtime < (time.time() - REMINDER_GRACE)):
-                        if not args.dryrun:
-                            m.reminders_issued = True
-                else:
-                    logging.warning("ignoring %s as it is newer than !ready" % fn)
-                files.remove(f)
-                continue
             # a remove file, which indicates some other file should be removed
             if f.startswith('-'):
                 if ('*' in f) or ('?' in f):

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