Updated: units 2.23-2

Cygwin units Maintainer Brian.Inglis@SystematicSW.ab.ca
Sat Mar 16 20:48:50 GMT 2024

The following package has been upgraded in the Cygwin distribution:

* units		2.23-2

The Units program converts quantities expressed in various scales to
to their equivalents in other scales. The units program can handle
multiplicative scale changes as well as nonlinear conversions such as
Fahrenheit to Celsius or wire gauge. Units comes with an annotated,
extendable database defining over seven thousand units, including 134
nonlinear units, and 125 prefixes, using ten systems of units including
SI, 189 currencies, bitcoin and precious metals prices, plus US CPI
Consumer Price Index, all of which may be updated using units_cur.

For more information see the project pages:


For changes since the previous Cygwin release see below or read
/usr/share/doc/units/NEWS after installation.

A native Windows binary distribution is also available:


NOTE: Changes in this Cygwin release.

The postinstall script to update currency exchange rates and commodity
prices has been dropped as it was causing problems when installing on
systems without Internet access or with network blocks.

If you would like to update currency exchange rates and commodity
prices, just run units_cur at the command line, in a profile or rc
startup script, or in a *daily* cron job.

Do *NOT* run units_cur more frequently than daily, as currency exchange
rates and commodity prices are updated only at most weekdays, and
excessive requests from units users could cause free access to accurate
online sources be stopped.

Version 2.23 - 18 February 2024

- Added interactively defined variables, with "_" prefix.
- Because of the above change, a space may be needed after the
  last answer symbol "_" in some situations, e.g. "_m" used to 
  compute "_ * m" but now refers to the user variable _m.
- molarvolume changed to have dimensions of m^3/mol for consistency
  with NIST
- Corrected erroneous definitions of moondist_min and moondist_max
- Added atomic masses for all isotopes of all elements in elements.units
- Added US Consumer Price index in cpi.units, which is updated monthly by
  units_cur.  Inflation calculations are possible with dollars_in() or
  inflation_since() and other related nonlinear units
- Made exchangerate-api the default currency server because floatrates
  was returning incomplete data
- Adjusted US survey units to use the international foot by default due to
  deprecation of the US survey foot
- abs() function works on units with dimensions, like -27 degrees.
- Support unicode operators for division and multiplication
- Ignore QUIT signal, which is sent by Ctrl-Backslash and Ctrl-4.  
- Suppress repeated unit values in display of unit definitions
  (e.g. defining byte as "8 bit = 8 bit")
- Unit reductions that take more than 1000 steps now give a
  "circular reference" error.
- More detailed reporting from the --check (-c) option.    
- Fixed bug in positioning pointer to errors in input when the input
  has leading spaces.
- Fixed parser memory leak with numbers too large or small for type
- Allow multiple divisions in expressions that start with "/", e.g. "/m/s"

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