Updated: tiff 4.1.0-1

Lemures Lemniscati lemures.lemniscati@gmail.com
Thu Oct 15 13:48:07 GMT 2020


tiff/libtiff packages have been updated to the latest upstream.

The following packages have been uploaded:

* libtiff-devel-4.1.0-1.tar.xz
* libtiff6-4.1.0-1.tar.xz
* tiff-4.1.0-1.tar.xz
* tiff-doc-4.1.0-1.tar.xz
* tiff-opengl-4.1.0-1.tar.xz
* tiff-4.1.0-1-src.tar.xz

TIFF image utilities"

libtiff, for reading and writing TIFF images, a small collection of
tools for doing simple manipulations of TIFF images on UNIX systems,
and documentation on the library and tools.

HOMEPAGE: http://www.simplesystems.org/libtiff/
ChangeLog: https://gitlab.com/libtiff/libtiff/-/blob/v4.1.0/ChangeLog
Cygwin Package Summary: https://www.cygwin.com/packages/summary/tiff-src.html

Please, report any issues. 

Lemures Lemniscati

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