Python pip/setuptools/virtualenv/wheel updates

Yaakov Selkowitz
Wed Sep 18 01:46:00 GMT 2019

The following packages have been uploaded to the Cygwin distribution:

* python27-pip-19.2.3-1
* python35-pip-19.2.3-1
* python36-pip-19.2.3-1
* python38-pip-19.2.3-1
* python37-pip-19.2.3-1
* python-pip-wheel-19.2.3-1

* python27-setuptools-41.2.0-1
* python35-setuptools-41.2.0-1
* python36-setuptools-41.2.0-1
* python37-setuptools-41.2.0-1
* python38-setuptools-41.2.0-1
* python-setuptools-wheel-41.2.0-1

* python27-virtualenv-16.7.5-1
* python35-virtualenv-16.7.5-1
* python36-virtualenv-16.7.5-1
* python37-virtualenv-16.7.5-1
* python38-virtualenv-16.7.5-1

* python27-wheel-0.33.6-1
* python35-wheel-0.33.6-1
* python36-wheel-0.33.6-1
* python37-wheel-0.33.6-1
* python38-wheel-0.33.6-1
* python-wheel-wheel-0.33.6-1

This is an update to the latest versions of these Python packages.


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