Updated: setup (2.888)

Jon Turney jon.turney@dronecode.org.uk
Tue Feb 20 12:43:00 GMT 2018

A new version of Setup, release 2.888, has been uploaded to

   https://cygwin.com/setup-x86.exe     (32 bit version)
   https://cygwin.com/setup-x86_64.exe  (64 bit version)

Changes compared to 2.884:

User visible changes:
- In the package chooser, 'Current' is replaced by 'Best' (to more 
accurately summarize what it does)
- Add 'Sync' as a choice, (which sets all packages to the version 
available from the package repository, downgrading if necessary, 
equivalent to the existing --force-current command line option).
- These are modified by a 'Test' check-box, which allows test packages 
to be used.
- The "prereq" page showing dependencies which will be added is replaced 
by "problems" page showing problems found by the dependency solver, with 
default solutions.
- A "confirm" page is added showing all the changes which will be made.

Internal changes:
- Uses the libsolv dependency solver, rather than a home-made one.
- Add support for 'depends2: package (relation version) [...]', in a 
version section in setup.ini
- Add support for 'obsoletes:' in setup.ini, likewise
- Add support for 'replace-versions:' in a package section setup.ini, to 
indicate problematic versions.

- Query the user for action to take if a corrupt local file is found
- Validate package hash after download
- Any MessageBox shown during setup.ini parsing is now modal

A big 'thank you' to Ken Brown for all his work on this.

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cygwin DOT com.

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