New: Ruby on Rails 4.0.9

Yaakov Selkowitz
Fri Aug 29 16:03:00 GMT 2014

The following packages have been added to the Cygwin distribution:

* ruby-actionmailer-4.0.9-1
* ruby-actionpack-4.0.9-1
* ruby-activemodel-4.0.9-1
* ruby-activerecord-4.0.9-1
* ruby-activerecord-deprecated_finders-1.0.3-1
* ruby-activesupport-4.0.9-1
* ruby-arel-4.0.2-1
* ruby-bcrypt-3.1.7-1
* ruby-builder-3.1.4-1
* ruby-bundler-1.6.6-1
* ruby-celluloid-0.15.2-1
* ruby-coffee-rails-4.0.1-1
* ruby-coffee-script-2.3.0-1
* ruby-coffee-script-source-1.7.1-1
* ruby-erubis-2.7.0-2
* ruby-execjs-2.2.1-1
* ruby-hike-1.2.3-2
* ruby-hoe-3.12.0-1
* ruby-i18n-0.6.11-1
* ruby-jbuilder-1.5.3-1
* ruby-journey-1.0.4-2
* ruby-jquery-rails-3.1.1-1
* ruby-kgio-2.9.2-1
* ruby-listen-2.7.9-1
* ruby-mail-2.5.4-2
* ruby-mime-types-1.25.1-1
* ruby-multi_json-1.10.1-1
* ruby-mysql2-0.3.16-1
* ruby-net-http-persistent-2.9.4-1
* ruby-nokogiri-
* ruby-oj-2.10.2-1
* ruby-pg-0.17.1-1
* ruby-polyglot-0.3.5-1
* ruby-rack-1.5.2-1
* ruby-rack-cache-1.2-2
* ruby-rack-ssl-1.4.1-1
* ruby-rack-test-0.6.2-2
* ruby-rails-4.0.9-1
* ruby-railties-4.0.9-1
* ruby-raindrops-0.13.0-1
* ruby-sass-3.2.19-1
* ruby-sass-rails-4.0.3-1
* ruby-sdoc-0.4.1-1
* ruby-sprockets-2.11.0-1
* ruby-sprockets-rails-2.1.3-1
* ruby-sqlite3-1.3.9-1
* ruby-thor-0.19.1-1
* ruby-thread_safe-0.3.4-1
* ruby-tilt-1.4.1-2
* ruby-timers-1.1.0-1
* ruby-treetop-1.4.15-1
* ruby-turbolinks-2.3.0-1
* ruby-tzinfo-0.3.41-1
* ruby-uglifier-2.5.3-1
* ruby-unicorn-4.8.3-1
* ruby-yajl-1.2.1-1

Rails is a web application development framework written in the Ruby 
language. It is designed to make programming web applications easier by 
making assumptions about what every developer needs to get started. It 
allows you to write less code while accomplishing more than many other 
languages and frameworks.

These releases represent the latest revisions of Rails 4.0, its 
dependencies, and some optional components.  Installing the 'ruby-rails' 
package and its dependencies should provide the gems required for an 
application in the default configuration; optional dependencies also 
available (as listed above) need to be selected separately for installation.

Because of how gem dependencies work, in order to assure that you use 
these versions, the following steps must be followed:

     $ rails new testapp1 --skip-bundle
     (files are installed)
     $ cd testapp1
     $ bundle install --local
     (this will show that existing gems are being used)
     $ rails server
     (then point browser to http://localhost:3000/, or install 
rails-unicorn and...)
     $ unicorn_rails
     (then point browser to http://localhost:8080/)

And to upgrade existing apps upon future ruby-rails releases:

     $ $EDITOR Gemfile
     (and update the gem 'rails' version number)
     $ bundle update rails --local
     (Existing gems should be found and used.)
     $ rake rails:update
     (and follow the prompts to update files)

If you do not use the --local flags as indicated above, then other 
versions of these gems may end up being installed, which may break 
things either then or down the road.  As always, you get to keep both 
pieces. :-)

Per the new rubygem packaging scheme, each gem also comes with a 
separate -doc package with the generated documentation, which can be 
either viewed in a web browser (served with 'gem server') or from the 
command-line (with 'ri').


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