Updated: {libogg,libogg-devel,libogg0}-1.3.1-1

David Rothenberger daveroth@acm.org
Sun Jun 2 19:57:00 GMT 2013

A new version the libogg, libogg-devel, and libogg0 packages are now
available for download.

This is a new upstream release, with upstream changes listed

Ogg project codecs use the Ogg bitstream format to arrange the raw,
compressed bitstream into a more robust, useful form.  For example,
the Ogg bitstream makes seeking, time stamping and error recovery
possible, as well as mixing several separate, concurrent media
streams into a single physical bitstream.

Note that downloads from sourceware.org (aka cygwin.com) aren't
allowed due to bandwidth limitations.  This means that you will need
to find a mirror which has this update, please choose the one
nearest to you: http://cygwin.com/mirrors.html

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David Rothenberger  ----  daveroth@acm.org

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