Baremetal big-endian toolchain for Cortex-R5 microcontroller
Abhimanyu Ghosh
Mon Sep 14 22:51:29 GMT 2020
I am attempting to build a cross-compiler for a big-endian Cortex-R5
processor from Texas Instruments (specifically, their TMS570 lineup)
using the latest stable (1.24.0) release of crosstool-ng, and was
wondering if anyone on this list has experience building multilib support.
More specifically, there are a number of areas I'm stuck on:
- If I set CT_ARCH_BE=y is this something being applied to the
multilibs, or is this purely a switch that sets the default
compilation/linking flags for the generated cross toolchain?
- This may be a more appropriate question for the main GCC list, but I
figured I'd ask here since people are likely using crosstool to build
baremetal cross-compilers over here: Most references from prior revs of
GCC seem to patch the gcc/config/arm/t-rmprofile file (example: It
seems some of that config has moved around in recent GCC revs (Ideally
I'd like to build 10.2.0 to get the latest C++20 support)... is
t-multilib now the correct file to patch, and if so, does anyone have
pointers as to how one would build the correct multilib support? I want
both libgcc and the relevant newlib support for my targets.
- Follow-up from previous question: Assuming I come up with the correct
patch for the GCC multilib infrastructure, will I get what I'm looking
for by just enabling multilibs in the ct-ng menuconfig, and supplying my
local patch file?
Abhimanyu Ghosh
Avionics Engineer, Masten Space Systems
Mojave, CA
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