Fwd: [CT_NG] docs: asciidoc/HTML version
Tom Janson
Wed Sep 10 14:35:00 GMT 2014
I've reformatted the docs (minus the appendix) in Asciidoc, in order
to create an HTML version.
I have attached a patch (hope this is the right format).
See here: http://jsfiddle.net/f1c7nLo2/embedded/result/ for an idea of
what it looks like.
The intention is to have these available online and linked on the homepage.
It could certainly use some restructuring and whatnot, but it's pretty
decent already.
Also, I'm not sure whether this should simply exist in parallel to the
existing txt files. (Not really ideal due to the duplication/having to
keep in sync.) Unfortunately, the asciidocs in plain text aren't as
pleasant to read as the current text files, imho.
Comments welcome.
Tom Janson
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